As part of the revision process for the Engineering and Science Technologies and Manufacturing Career Fields' Technical Content Standards, the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce Office of Career-Technical Education is seeking stakeholder feedback on the current standards. The Engineering and Science Technologies and Manufacturing Career Fields' Public Comment Surveys will be open from January 16 – March 16, 2024. Thank you in advance for your participation on behalf of Ohio’s students!

If you have additional questions, please contact Joshua Miller at

The Office of Career-Technical Education at the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce schedules revisions of its Career Field Content Standards on a rotating basis. This year Engineering and Science Technologies and Manufacturing career fields will be revised.

The department seeks feedback from educators, community members, and industry professionals as each career field standards are reviewed and revised. We are committed to making sure our students learn the rigorous, industry-relevant knowledge and skills they need to be successful in careers and college.

This review process will ensure that our standards are:

  • Clearly written;
  • Industry relevant;
  • Aligned with what students learn in postsecondary programs; and
  • In sync with industry credential requirements.

How will the public be involved?

The Ohio Department of Education initially is inviting feedback on the standards through a survey beginning early-April through mid-May.

What happens to your suggestions?

An advisory committee of education and industry leaders use the survey feedback to select standards for review. The committee then provides direction to working groups of subject matter experts for each area, and the working groups will return to the advisory committee with proposed revisions. Ultimately, the Department will adopt the revised standards.

Career Field Standards Revisions Timeline

Activity Date
Ohioans submit suggestions for improvements through an online survey. January - March
Industry advisory committees review survey suggestions and current standards to provide revisions to working groups of Ohio teachers. March - April
Teacher workgroup members review suggested changes to revise the standards. April - May
Office of Career-Technical Education drafts standards. Summer
Validate revisions with industry advisory committees. Summer
Post draft standards for career field. Fall
Course development. Winter
Finalize and post courses for educator use. Winter

Career-Technical Content Standards Revision Schedule

Career Field Revision Item Writing Implementation
Business and Administrative Services 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024
Agricultural and Environmental Systems 2022-23 2023-2024 2024-2025
Arts and Communication AND Information Technology 2023-24 2024-2025 2025-2026
Engineering and Science Technologies AND Manufacturing Technologies 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027

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Last Modified: 1/17/2024 7:29:43 AM