Quality Matters

Quality Matters is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote and improve the quality of online/blended education and student learning. Quality Matters provides tools, resources and training to help teachers and schools design their own quality online and blended courses, personalize and improve existing courses, evaluate third-party courses, and teach in online learning environments. The organization has received national recognition for its peer-based review process and continuous improvement in online education and student learning.

What Quality Matters Does

  • Develops and updates standards for quality in online and blended courses, programs and teaching that are research-centered and based on best practices;
  • Provides evaluation tools, review processes, resources and support to ensure the quality of online and blended courses within schools;
  • Provides professional development for teachers and other education professionals;
  • Certifies online courses and programs; and
  • Connects a community of individuals committed to quality student learning through conferences, webinars and events. 

Quality Matters in Ohio

The Educational Service Center of Central Ohio holds the Ohio K-12 statewide subscription and training license with Quality Matters. As subscribers to Ohio’s statewide subscription, the following agencies provide training opportunities, resources and technical support for teachers in partner school districts:

Educational Service Center of Central Ohio
Megan Ash, megan.ash@escco.org

Educational Service Center of Cuyahoga County
Paula Kucinic, paula.kucinic@esc-cc.org

Fairfield County Educational Service Center
Jennifer Sayre, jsayre@fairfieldesc.org


Last Modified: 8/22/2022 10:25:53 AM