Snapshot of Accommodations and Interventions for General Educators

As general and special educators we need to provide the opportunities for students to show what they know.  These are ways to level the playing field for all students. 


When should classroom teachers consider giving accommodations? 

These may need to be given to support students during assessments, during an increased workload, when attention to task is a struggle and when instructing, visual v. auditory learners.

What is the function of accommodations?

Accommodations should help students access the curriculum with success and to make progress. 

What are some examples of accommodations that can be utilized in general education classroom? 

During an assessment you may need to break down directions, provide extended time, provide breaks, read items/directions to students, give assessment over multiple sessions or provide sensory input.

During times of increased workload you may need to provide extended time for timed tasks, expect less items to be completed that still demonstrate the skills, change your pacing, provide repetitions, give concrete examples of abstract information or provide visuals and graphic organizers.

When attention to task is a struggle you may see more success when you provide to preferential seating, written and visual reminders, the use of an FM systems, instruction in smaller segments, hands-on learning and project based learning, stress balls/fidgets, sensory input such as cushion or specialized seats or headphones.

When teaching visual learners you may see success in students if you give written directions/drawings or outlines with fill-ins. When teaching auditory learners you may see success in student learning if you provide recordings, audiobooks, and repeat directions. 

Classroom Based Interventions

When should interventions be used?

Interventions should be put into place if a student is not showing adequate progress, not participating in classroom activities or demonstrating undesired behaviors.

What is the function of classroom based interventions?

These interventions should assist the child in moving forward in academic skills or behaviorally. 

What are some examples of classroom based interventions that can be used by general education teachers?

  • small group instruction
  • social stories
  • behavior passports
  • guided reading or math groups
  • positive behavior charts
  • repetition of concepts or small group lessons
  • reciting specific targets (e.g. speech sounds, letter sounds, math facts, etc.)
  • peer to peer instruction
  • earning an reward (e.g. class party, extra recess, special jobs, etc.)

Last Modified: 5/14/2014 8:41:13 AM