Administrator's Calendar
Select the month from the pull-down menu to find months and dates for requirements and additional events throughout the school year. Links to Ohio law appear to the right of each item.
The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce is unable to guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of this calendar. The information on this calendar is presented as a courtesy to administrators and commits to updating the information on a periodic basis. School personnel should always directly confirm all deadlines and requirements in statute or rule on a regular basis. The Department expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions in the contents of this website.
This calendar contains two types of items, required (
) and informational (
Remember to hold and document required safety drills | ORC 3737.73
New driver physicals required prior to transporting students for the upcoming school year | OAC 3301-83-07
- August 1:
- Term of district Superintendent begins in first year of new contract. | ORC 3319.01
- Deadline for boards of education to report to the State of Ohio Board of Education each civil proceeding to which it is a party and such other statistics as may be required on forms furnished by the State Board. | ORC 3319.3
August 14, 2024 - September 13, 2024: ACT/SAT selection survey
August 1, 2024 - OhioES opens for 2024-2025 LEA setup (ORC 3319.111)
August 6, 2024 - June 30, 2025: Ohio English Language Proficiency Screener (OELPS), locally scored. | Ohio State Plan/ESSA
August 7, 2024:
- All districts close date EMIS collection- Final Exiting Student Follow up (FY24) (2024S2EXT) | ORC 3301.0714
- All districts close date EMIS collection- Calendar Collection - Final (FY24) (2024CFINL) | ORC 3301.0714
- All districts close date EMIS collection- Staff and Course Collection - Final (FY24) (2024L2FNL) | ORC 3301.0714
- All districts close date EMIS collection- OELPA Assessment Collection (FY24) (2024AGFSP) | ORC 3301.0714
- All districts close date EMIS collection- Spring Alternate Assessment Collection (FY24) (2024AALTS) | ORC 3301.0714
- All districts close date EMIS collection- Career Tech Accountability Assessment Collection (FY24) (2024ACTSP) | ORC 3301.0714
- All districts close date EMIS collection- Reading Diagnostics Collection (FY) (2024ARDFY) |
- June 6 – August 5: PBIS/Restraint and Seclusion Data Collection
- First Tuesday after First Monday: Special Election Day. | ORC 3501.01
August 9, 2024: Community schools close date EMIS collection- Student Contact(s) Collection (FY24) (2024SSSDT) | ORC 3301.0714
August 9, 2024: All districts close date EMIS collection- Other Accountability Assessments (FY24) (2024ANACC) | ORC 3301.0714
July 1 - 20th day of instruction: Kindergarten Readiness Assessment | ORC 3301.0715
- 100 Days Prior to November Election: Deadline to file first income tax resolution with state tax commissioner for November election. | ORC 5748.02
- 90 Days Prior to November General Election:
- Last day to certify resolution for operating/permanent improvement levy (including renewal or replacement levy), emergency levy, phased-in levy, income tax or combined income tax and property tax levy to board of elections for November election, accompanied by county auditor certification. (The auditor may take up to five days to certify the proposed issue.) | ORC 5705.21; ORC 5705.212; ORC 5705.213: ORC 5748.02(C); ORC 5748.09
- Last day to file resolution to proceed with bond issue (stand-alone or combination) with board of elections (November election), accompanied by previously-adopted resolution of necessity and millage rate certified by county auditor, unless state consent was required, which accelerates the filing deadline to 98 days prior to the election. | ORC 133.18; ORC 5705.218; ORC 5748.08
August 23, 2024:
- All districts close date EMIS collection- Child Outcome Summary Assessment Collection (FY24) (2024AGMFY) | ORC 3301.0714
- All districts close Tier 1 Dyslexia Screener Collection (FY24) (2024ADSFY)
- August 29:
- Deadline (60 days after the close of the fiscal year) for district treasurer not using generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) to file financial report with the Auditor of State and to publish notice that the report is available; the deadline for districts using GAAP is 150 days after the close of the fiscal year. | ORC 117.38
All districts close date EMIS collection- Financial Collection (FY24) (2024H0000) | ORC 3301.0714
All districts close date EMIS collection- Retention/Promotion - Grade 3 Only (FY25) (2025SRTNT) | ORC 3301.0714
- August 31:
- The treasurer must submit reports listing each investment of interim funds to the Board of Education, DEW Director, and Auditor of State. | ORC 135.142
- Deadline for T2 Report for Transportation | OAC 3301-83-01
August 31, 2024: Traditional districts close date EMIS collection- Five Year Forecast - Final Optional (FY24) (2024P3OPT) | ORC 3301.0714
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Remember to hold and document required safety drills | ORC 3737.73
New driver physicals required prior to transporting students for the upcoming school year | OAC 3301-83-07
- September 1: Deadline for State Board of Education to either approve or disapprove a proposed transfer of territory and notify, in writing, the boards of education of the districts affected by such proposed transfer of territory of its decision. | ORC 3311.24
- First Monday: Labor Day
- Board may dismiss school for that day. | ORC 3313.63
- Holiday for eleven and twelve month nonteaching employees. | ORC 3319.087
- September 4, 2024: All districts close date EMIS data appeal - Retention Data Appeal | ORC 3301.0714
- September 6, 2024: All districts close date EMIS data appeal - Child Outcome Summary Assessment Data Appeal | ORC 3301.0714
September 6, 2024: All districts Data Review for Report Card | ORC 3301.0714
- Within First Two Weeks of First Day of School: Principal or teacher in charge of each chartered public or nonpublic school must file enrollment report with the treasurer of the school district in which the school is located and update that report during the first week of each month. | ORC 3321.12
July 1 - 20th day of instruction: Kindergarten Readiness Assessment| ORC 3301.0715
September 13, 2024:
- All districts close date EMIS collection- Current Graduation Credit Progress Collection (FY24) (2024SGRCR) | ORC 3301.0714
- All districts close date EMIS collection- Student Course Grade Collection (FY24) (2024LCGRD) | ORC 3301.0714
- September 15: Deadline for teachers to file transcripts showing additional training with the treasurer. | ORC 3317.14
- September 20, 2024: All districts close date EMIS data appeal - Financial Data Appeal | ORC 3301.0714
September 26, 2024: All districts close date EMIS collection- Calendar Collection - Initial (FY25) (2025CINIT) | ORC 3301.0714
- September 30:
- Deadline for administration of language and reading skills portion of the kindergarten assessment; the balance of the prescribed assessments can be performed between the first day of school and November 1. | ORC 3301.0715
- Deadline to provide Emergency Medical Authorization forms to parents. | ORC 3313.712
- Deadline for Board of Education to adopt resolution declaring its intent not to provide career-technical education to students in grades 7 through 12. | ORC 3313.90
- Deadline to submit the names of all covered licensed staff members to STRS and all covered nonteaching staff members to SERS. | ORC 3307.211; ORC 3309.54
- Annual Business Advisory Council Plans and Addendums due. | ORC 3313.82
Suggested to review career advising polices and approved biennially by September 30 | ORC 3313.6020
September 30, 2024 - October 18, 2024: Prevention Services Data Collection
August 14, 2024 - September 13, 2024: ACT/SAT selection survey
August 6, 2024 - June 30, 2025: Ohio English Language Proficiency Screener (OELPS), locally scored. | Ohio State Plan/ESSA
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Remember to hold and document required safety drills | ORC 3737.73
Ridership counts must be conducted the first full week of October that school is in session for purposes of the T-1 report. | OAC 3301-83-01
- October 1: Deadline for adoption of permanent appropriations for the fiscal year (unless delayed because the amended certificate has not been received). | ORC 5705.38(B)
October 11, 2024: Complete LEA setup for 2023-2024 in OhioES (ORC 3319.111)
- Second Monday: Columbus Day
October 11, 2024: All districts close date EMIS collection- Graduation Collection (FY24) (2024G0000) | ORC 3301.0714
October 14, 2024 – November 1, 2024: Ohio’s State Tests Fall Grade 3 English Language Arts Test Window | ORC 3301.0711 – Grade 3
- October 15: Deadline for Board of Education to file a summary of immunization records, by school, to the Ohio Director of Health. | ORC 3313.67
September 30, 2024 - October 18, 2024: Prevention Services Data Collection
- October 31: Enrollment reporting date (also last day of March and June). | ORC 3317.03
August 6, 2024 - June 30, 2025: Ohio English Language Proficiency Screener (OELPS), locally scored. | Ohio State Plan/ESSA
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Remember to hold and document required safety drills | ORC 3737.73
- November 1: Deadline for T1 Report for Transportation | ORC 3317.0212; OAC 3301-83-01
- November 1-30 annually: Traditional districts and Joint Vocational School Districts conduct Consolidated School Report | ORC 3301.68
- November 4, 2024: First Monday: Deadline for treasurer to notify Board of Education of the amount necessary to provide for the payment of final judgments against the Board (except for condemnation of property cases). | ORC 5705.08
Dates TBD: Ohio’s State Tests Fall Grade 3 English Language Arts Test Window | ORC 3301.0711 – Grade 3
- First Tuesday After First Monday: General Election Day (Board of Education members are elected in odd-numbered years.) | ORC 3501.01; ORC 3501.02
- November 8, 2024: All districts close date EMIS Data Review - Graduation Data Review & Verification | ORC 3301.0714
- November 10:
- Commemoration of Veteran's day is required. | ORC 5.23
- Veterans Educate Today’s Students Day (“VETS) on which all schools are encouraged to observe the day by inviting veterans, on or about this day, to visit schools and discuss their military experiences | ORC 5.23
- Board may dismiss school for that day. | ORC 1.14; ORC 3313.63
- November 11: Veterans Day
- Fourth Thursday: Thanksgiving Day
- November 27, 2024: 150 Days After Close of Previous Fiscal Year: Deadline for district treasurer using generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) to file financial report with the Auditor of State and to publish notice that the report is available; the deadline for districts not using GAAP is 90 days after the close of the fiscal year. | ORC 117.38
November 30: Traditional districts Deadline to report Five Year Forecast- Initial Required (FY25) (2025P0000) | ORC 3301.0714
August 6, 2024 - June 30, 2025: Ohio English Language Proficiency Screener (OELPS), locally scored. | Ohio State Plan/ESSA
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Remember to hold and document required safety drills | ORC 3737.73
December: Roster Verification Intent to Participate
- December Board Meeting: Board members should be canvassed to establish date in January for organization meeting; Board members could then also by consensus designate a temporary chair for the organization meeting.
December 2, 2024 – January 17, 2025: Ohio’s State Tests Fall High School End-of-Course Tests Test Window | ORC 3301.0712 – High School; ORC 3301.0728 – Retake; ORC 3301.0729 – Test Time
December 5: Deadline for notifying police chief (or county sheriff if no police chief) of dates when school safety and security drills were held during the previous school year and are scheduled for the current school year. | ORC 3737.73
December 2, 2024: Ohio’s State Tests Fall Grade 3 English Language Arts Online Test Results Due in the Centralized Reporting System (CRS) | ORC 3301.0711
- Prior to December 15 OR December 31 (for ESCs): Annual organization meeting of the Board of Education must be held during the first 15 days of January (except for Educational Service Center Governing Boards which will meet on a date in January as set by the Board. Newly elected or re-elected Board members must take oath of office prior to their voting on any agenda item. | ORC 3313.14
December 16, 2024: Ohio’s State Tests Fall Grade 3 English Language Arts Paper Test Results Due in the CRS | ORC 3301.0711
- December 20:
Community schools close date EMIS collection- SOES Beginning of Year Student Collection (FY25) (2025SAODE) | ORC 3301.0714
Traditional districts close date EMIS collection- Beginning of Year Student Collection )FY25) (2025S1TRD)
- December 25: Christmas Day
- December 31:
- Deadline for reporting both of the following (related to students with diabetes) to the Ohio Department of Education: (1) the number of students with diabetes enrolled in the district or school during the previous school year; and (2) the number of errors associated with the administration of diabetes medication to students with diabetes during the previous school year. | ORC 3313.7112
- Districts currently aligned to ESCs must notify the ESC prior to January 1 of any odd-numbered year if they wish to terminate that agreement with the ESC on June 30. No notifications are required if the districts wish to continue an agreement. | ORC 3313.843
- Terms of elected Board of Education expire in the applicable odd-numbered year. | ORC 3313.09
August 6, 2024 - June 30, 2025: Ohio English Language Proficiency Screener (OELPS), locally scored. | Ohio State Plan/ESSA
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Remember to hold and document required safety drills | ORC 3737.73
- Anytime: Notify those administrators whose contracts are expiring this year that their contracts are expiring and that they have the right to meet with the Board in executive session. (The opportunity to meet must be provided prior to any Board action on the expiring contract and must be prior to June 1.) | ORC 3319.02
- January 1: New Year's Day
- Terms of newly elected (or re-elected) Board members begin in even-numbered years. | ORC 3313.09
- Board may dismiss school (holiday). | ORC 3313.63
- Holiday for nonteaching employees. | ORC 3319.087
January 7, 2025: All districts close date EMIS collection- Initial Exiting Student Follow up (FY25) (2025S1EXT) | ORC 3301.0714
Date TBD: Deadline to appeal initial exiting student follow up data for Career Technical Education students in EMIS. | ORC 3301.0714
Date TBD: Ohio’s State Tests Fall Grade 3 English Language Arts Family Reports Due in Districts. | ORC 3301.0711
December 2, 2024 – January 17, 2025: Ohio’s State Tests Fall High School End-of-Course Tests Test Window. | ORC 3301.0712 – High School; ORC 3301.0728 – Retake; ORC 3301.0729 – Test Time
Prior to January 15 OR January 31 (for ESCs): Annual organization meeting of the Board of Education must be held during the first 15 days of January (except for Educational Service Center Governing Boards which will meet on a date in January as set by the Board). Newly elected or re-elected Board members must take oath of office prior to their voting on any agenda item. | ORC 3313.14
Organization Meeting: Discuss and set (if possible) the date for the hearing on the school year for the ensuing school year. Topics to be included in the hearing include, but are not limited to, total number of hours in a school year, length of school day, and beginning and end dates of instruction. | ORC 3313.48
- January 15:
- Deadline for treasurer to submit non-handicapped tuition report covering previous six months to the DEW Director. | ORC 3313.64
- Board must adopt tax budget for the next ensuing fiscal year. | ORC 5705.28
- Two copies of the tax budget must be on file for public inspection in the office of the Treasurer not less than 10 days prior to the adoption of the budget. A public hearing is also to be held before the adoption of the budget, with at least a 10 day published notice of the hearing. | ORC 5705.30
- A county budget commission may waive the requirement for the tax budget with the approval of a majority of the commission members and the county auditor. | ORC 5705.281
January 22, 2025: Ohio’s State Tests Fall High School End-of-Course Tests Math, Science, Social Studies Online Test Results Due in the Centralized Reporting System (CRS). | ORC 3301.0712
- January 15, 2025: Tax budget (as adopted by the Board) must be submitted to the county auditor in such form as is prescribed by the taxing authority of the subdivision or by the auditor of state (although the deadline may be extended by the tax commissioner). | ORC 5705.30
- Third Monday: Martin Luther King Day
- 100 Days Prior to Primary Election: Deadline to file first income tax resolution with state tax commissioner for May election. | ORC 5748.02
- 90 Days Prior to Primary Election:
- Last day to certify resolution for operating/permanent improvement levy (including renewal or replacement levy), emergency levy, phased-in levy, income tax or combined income tax and property tax levy to board of elections for May election, accompanied by county auditor certification. (The auditor may take up to five days to certify the proposed issue.) | ORC 5705.21; ORC 5705.212; ORC 5705.213: ORC 5748.02(C); ORC 5748.09
- Last day to file resolution to proceed with bond issue (stand-alone or combination) with board of elections (May election), accompanied by previously-adopted resolution of necessity and millage rate certified by county auditor, unless state consent was required, which accelerates the filing deadline to 98 days prior to the election. | ORC 133.18; ORC 5705.218; ORC 5748.08
January – March: Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER)/Governor Emergency Education Relief (GEER) expenditure reporting
February 3, 2025 – March 28, 2025: Ohio English Language Proficiency Assessment (OELPA) | ORC 3301.0711 – Grades 3-8 and HS
January 29, 2025: All districts close date EMIS collection- Staff and Course Collection - Initial (FY25) (202L51STR) | ORC 3301.0714
August 6, 2024 - June 30, 2025: Ohio English Language Proficiency Screener (OELPS), locally scored. | Ohio State Plan/ESSA
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Remember to hold and document required safety drills | ORC 3737.73
- February 1: Deadline for Amended T-1 report | OAC 3301-83-01
February 3, 2025 – March 28, 2025: Alternate Ohio English Language Proficiency Assessment (Alt-OELPA) | ORC 3301.0711 – Grades 3-8 and HS
- February 12: Commemoration of Abraham Lincoln’s birthday is required. | ORC 5.23
- February 15: Deadline for county auditor to make settlement with the county treasurer and ascertain the amount of real property taxes and assessments and public utility property taxes with which such treasurer is to “stand charged”. | ORC 319.43
- Third Monday: President’s Day – Board may dismiss school for that day. | ORC 3313.63
Date TBD: Ohio’s State Tests Fall High School End-of-Course Tests English Language Arts Online Test Results Due in the CRS. | ORC 3301.0712
- February 22: Commemoration of George Washington’s birthday is required. | ORC 5.23
February 12 - April 26: Alternate Assessment Justification
February 17, 2025: Ohio’s State Tests Fall High School End-of-Course Tests Paper Test Results Due in the CRS. | ORC 3301.0712
February 24, 2025 – April 18, 2025: Alternate Assessment for Students with the Most Significant Cognitive Disabilities (AASCD) | ORC 3301.0711 – Grades 3-8 and HS
February 25, 2025 - April 4, 2025: State Funded ACT Tests (grade 11 students in the spring of the school year) | ORC 3301.0712
January – March: Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER)/Governor Emergency Education Relief (GEER) expenditure reporting
February 3, 2025 – March 28, 2025: Ohio English Language Proficiency Assessment (OELPA) | ORC 3301.0711 – Grades 3-8 and HS
August 6, 2024 - June 30, 2025: Ohio English Language Proficiency Screener (OELPS), locally scored. | Ohio State Plan/ESSA
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Remember to hold and document required safety drills | ORC 3737.73
- March 1:
- Business Advisory Council Joint Statements must be available to stakeholders
- County budget commission must file with Board of Education the official certificate of estimated resources for the next fiscal year. | ORC 5705.35
March 7, 2025: All districts close date EMIS collection- Fall3rd Grade ELA and Reading Collection Collection (FY25) (2025AGNFL) | ORC 3301.0714
- First Tuesday after First Monday: Special Election is held in Presidential election years (and replaces the May primary election). | ORC 3501.01
February 3, 2025 – March 28, 2025: Ohio English Language Proficiency Assessment (OELPA) | ORC 3301.0711 – Grades 3-8 and HS
March 3, 2025 - April 30, 2025: State Funded SAT Tests (grade 11 students in the spring of the school year) | ORC 3301.0712
Mid-March 2025 - June 30, 2025: Venereal Disease and Sexual Education Instruction Audit | ORC 3313.6011
Date TBD: Ohio’s State Tests Fall High School End-of-Course Tests Family Reports Due in Districts. | ORC 3301.0712
February 23 - March 31: Alternate Assessment Justification
January – March: Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER)/Governor Emergency Education Relief (GEER) expenditure reporting
March 21, 2025: All districts close date EMIS collection- Summer and Fall End of Course Assessment Collection (FY25) (2025AGEFL) | ORC 3301.0714
March 24, 2025 - April 25, 2025: Ohio’s State Tests Spring English Language Arts Test Window. | ORC 3301.0711 – Grades 3-8; ORC 3301.0712 – High School; ORC 3301.0728 – Retake; ORC 3301.0729 – Test Time
- March 28, 2025: Kindergarten Readiness Collection (FY25) (2025AGOFL)
March 31, 2025: Traditional districts close date EMIS collection- Five Year Forecast - Initial Optional (FY25) (2025P1OPT) | ORC 3301.0714
March 31, 2025 - May 9, 2025: Ohio’s State Tests Spring Math, Science and Social Studies Test Window | ORC 3301.0711 – Grades 3-8; ORC 3301.0712 – High School; ORC 3301.0728 – Retake; ORC 3301.0729 – Test Time
- March 31:
- Last day for a Board of Education to file a request with the State Board of Education for the transfer of territory from a city, exempted village, or local school district. | ORC 3311.24
- Enrollment reporting date (also last day of June and October). | ORC 3317.03
February 3, 2025 – March 28, 2025: Alternate Ohio English Language Proficiency Assessment (Alt-OELPA) | ORC 3301.0711 – Grades 3-8 and HS
February 24, 2025 – April 18, 2025: Alternate Assessment for Students with the Most Significant Cognitive Disabilities (AASCD) | ORC 3301.0711 – Grades 3-8 and HS
February 25, 2025 - April 4, 2025: State Funded ACT Tests (grade 11 students in the spring of the school year) | ORC 3301.0712
August 6, 2024 - June 30, 2025: Ohio English Language Proficiency Screener (OELPS), locally scored. | Ohio State Plan/ESSA
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Remember to hold and document required safety drills | ORC 3737.73
- April 1:
- Deadline for students to notify high school principal of their intent to participate in College Credit Plus program for ensuing school year. | ORC 3365.03
- Deadline for Board of Education to certify to county auditor a resolution authorizing necessary tax levies on the current duplicate for collection in the next calendar year. (The deadline can be extended by Ohio’s tax commissioner. | ORC 5705.34
- At least 120 days prior to the August special election, the Board of Education must file requests for the consents of the Ohio tax commissioner and the DEW Director to place on the ballot bond issues representing an amount greater than 4% of district valuation. | ORC 133.06
- Deadline for all public high schools to distribute information on the online education and career planning tool (housed at the DEW web site) to parents and students; high school administrators and counselors will be surveyed by DEW on their use of the planning tool. | ORC 3313.89
- Community and Nonpublic schools submit start and end times to public districts. | ORC 3327.01
March 31, 2025 - May 9, 2025: Ohio’s State Tests Spring Math, Science and Social Studies Test Window | ORC 3301.0711 – Grades 3-8; ORC 3301.0712 – High School; ORC 3301.0728 – Retake; ORC 3301.0729 – Test Time
- March 2 – April 18: ESSER/GEER expenditure reporting
April 25, 2025: Traditional districts close date EMIS collection- Midyear Student Collection (FY25) (2025S2TRD) | ORC 3301.0714
April 30, 2025: Deadline for ED STEPS Cohort 2 One Needs Assessments and One Plans.
February 24, 2025 – April 18, 2025: Alternate Assessment for Students with the Most Significant Cognitive Disabilities (AASCD) | ORC 3301.0711 – Grades 3-8 and HS
February 25, 2025 - April 4, 2025: State Funded ACT Tests (grade 11 students in the spring of the school year) | ORC 3301.0712
March 24, 2025 - April 24, 2025: Ohio’s State Tests Spring
English Language Arts Test Window | ORC 3301.0711 – Grades 3-8; ORC 3301.0712 – High School; ORC 3301.0728 – Retake; ORC 3301.0729 – Test Time
Mid-March 2025 - June 30, 2025: Venereal Disease and Sexual Education Instruction Audit | ORC 3313.6011
August 6, 2024 - June 30, 2025: Ohio English Language Proficiency Screener (OELPS), locally scored. | Ohio State Plan/ESSA
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Remember to hold and document required safety drills | ORC 3737.73
May 1:
- Deadline for Board of Education to appoint Superintendent with an expiring contract to a new contract not to exceed five years, beginning on August 1 of that year. (If the Board has not voted not to renew the Superintendent’s contract by March 1, the Superintendent automatically has a one-year contract renewal.) | ORC 3319.01
- Deadline to complete teacher evaluations. | ORC 3319.111
- Deadline to submit grade 3 paper testing resolution for 2025-2026 | ORC 3301.0711
- Deadline for PBIS Recognition Award Application - PBIS Recognition and Showcase | Ohio Department of Education
- First week of May: In Demand Jobs Week
- First Tuesday after First Monday: Special Election Day (except in Presidential Primary Election Year) | ORC 3501.01
- 100 Days Prior to August Special Election: Deadline to file first income tax resolution with state tax commissioner for August election. | ORC 5748.02
- 90 Days Prior to August Special Election:
- Last day to certify resolution for operating/permanent improvement levy (including renewal or replacement levy), emergency levy, phased-in levy, income tax or combined income tax and property tax levy to board of elections for August election, accompanied by county auditor certification. (The auditor may take up to five days to certify the proposed issue.) | ORC 5705.21; ORC 5705.212; ORC 5705.213: ORC 5748.02(C); ORC 5748.09
- Last day to file resolution to proceed with bond issue (stand-alone or combination) with board of elections (August election), accompanied by previously-adopted resolution of necessity and millage rate certified by county auditor, unless state consent was required, which accelerates the filing deadline to 98 days prior to the election. | ORC 133.18; ORC 5705.218; ORC 5748.08
May 10: Deadline for teachers to receive written report of the results of the evaluation. | ORC 3319.111
March 31, 2025 - May 9, 2025: Ohio’s State Tests Spring Math, Science and Social Studies Test Window | ORC 3301.0711 – Grades 3-8; ORC 3301.0712 – High School; ORC 3301.0728 – Retake; ORC 3301.0729 – Test Time
May 13, 2025: Ohio’s State Tests Spring Math, Science and Social Studies Online tests results available in Centralized Reporting System
May 21, 2025: Ohio’s State Tests Spring English Language Arts Online tests results available in Centralized Reporting System
- May 26: Commemoration of Memorial day is required. | ORC 5.23
May 31, 2025:
- Traditional districts close date EMIS collection- Five Year Forecast - Required Spring Update (FY25) (2025P2MAY) | ORC 3301.0714
- District thransportation plan due to community and Nonpublic schools. | ORC 3327.01
- Last Monday: Memorial Day
- Prior to 31st: Recommend to the Board of Education the hiring of all substitute employees for the following school year. |
Mid-March 2025 - June 30, 2025: Venereal Disease and Sexual Education Instruction Audit | ORC 3313.6011
August 6, 2024 - June 30, 2025: Ohio English Language Proficiency Screener (OELPS), locally scored. | Ohio State Plan/ESSA
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Remember to hold and document required safety drills | ORC 3737.73
- June 1:
- Deadline for Board of Education to provide written notice to teachers of the intent not to renew a limited contract. | ORC 3319.11
- Deadline for Board of Education “to cause notice to be given of its intention” not to renew the limited contract of a non-licensed employee (in non-Civil Service districts only). | ORC 3319.083
- Deadline for either renewing or non-renewing an administrators’ contract. Failure of the Board to act by this date results in an automatic renewal of the contract for a period of one or two years (depending on the length of the administrative service). In any school year in which the administrator’s contract is not being considered for renewal, at least one evaluation still must be completed. Failure to complete this evaluation would also result in the automatic renewal of the administrator’s contract. | ORC 3319.02
- June 6 – August 5: PBIS/Restraint and Seclusion Data Collection
June 13, 2025: Ohio’s State Tests Grade 3 English Language Arts Paper test results available in Centralized Reporting System
- June 15:
- Deadline for teacher to notify Board of Education that teacher does not intend to accept contract; failure to provide this notice means the teacher is automatically re-employed (even if a signed contract is not returned). | ORC 3319.11
- Deadline for administrator to notify Board of Education that administrator does not intend to accept contract; failure to provide this notice means the administrator is automatically re-employed (even if a signed contract is not returned). | ORC 3319.02
- June 19: Juneteenth
June 23, 2025: Spring 2024 Ohio’s State Tests paper tests results available in Centralized Reporting System
June 23, 2025 - June 27, 2025: Ohio’s State Tests Summer 2024 Grade 3 English Language Arts Test Window | ORC 3301.0711
June 23, 2025- July 3, 2025: Ohio’s State Tests Summer High School End-of-Course Tests Test Window | ORC 3301.0712 – High School
- June 30:
- Enrollment reporting date (also last day of March and October). | ORC 3317.03
- Last day of both fiscal year and school year. | ORC 9.34; ORC 3313.62
- Deadline for ED STEPS Cohorts 1-3 funding application
Mid-March 2025 - June 30, 2025: Venereal Disease and Sexual Education Instruction Audit | ORC 3313.6011
August 6, 2024 - June 30, 2025: Ohio English Language Proficiency Screener (OELPS), locally scored. | Ohio State Plan/ESSA
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Remember to hold and document required safety drills | ORC 3737.73
- July 1:
- School year and fiscal year begin. | ORC 9.34; ORC 3313.62
- Deadline for Board of Education to “cause notice” to be given to all licensed and non-licensed employees of their salaries for the ensuing school year. | ORC 3319.12; ORC 3319.082
- “On or about” this date, a treasurer must certify to the county auditor the total amount from all sources available for all expenditures from each fund established in the tax budget; if the treasurer determines that there is an excess or deficiency in available revenues, the county budget commission will issue an amended certificate of resources. | ORC 5705.36
July 1 - 20th day of instruction: Kindergarten Readiness Assessment| ORC 3301.0715
- July 4: Independence Day
- Board may dismiss school for that day. | ORC 3313.63
- Holiday for eleven and twelve month nonteaching employees. | ORC 3319.087
June 23, 2025 - July 3, 2025: Ohio’s State Tests Summer High School End-of-Course Tests Test Window | ORC 3301.0712 – High School
- July 10: Last day that licensed staff member can resign from a contract without the consent of the Board of Education. | ORC 3319.15
- July 15: Deadline for treasurer to submit tuition report for students without disabilities to DEW Director. | ORC 3313.64
- July 16, 2025:
- Community schools close date EMIS collection- SOES End of Year Student Collection (FY25) (2025SBODE) | ORC 3301.0714
- Community schools close date EMIS collection- DPR Growth Assessment Collection (FY25) (202A5GDFY) | ORC 3301.0714
- Traditional schools close date EMIS collection- End of Year Student Collection (FY25) (2025S3TRD) | ORC 3301.0714
- All districts close date EMIS collection- Spring End of Course State Assessment Collection (FY25) (2025AGESP) | ORC 3301.0714
- All districts close date EMIS collection- Spring State Assessment Grades 3-8 Collection (FY25) (2025AGNSP) | ORC 3301.0714
July 19, 2024: Student Wellness and Success and Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid Report due.
- July 31: Term of district Superintendent ends in year of contract expiration. | ORC 3319.01
- June 6 – August 5: PBIS/Restraint and Seclusion Data Collection
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Last Modified: 8/26/2024 12:43:15 PM