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No-cost English learner professional development for all educators


Seats are now open for Ohio educators to participate for free in Accelerating Student Success for ELs Through Scaffolded Support (Project ASSETS), a program designed to support content area and general classroom educators in supporting English learners.

Project ASSETS is a joint initiative with the Nebraska Department of Education enabling educators to engage in topical webinars and a Community of Practice. Participants will gain expertise in standards and assessments, differentiating instruction for English learners, planning formative assessment and engaging families to increase literacy achievement.

The 18-month course of study involves two quarterly, three-hour workshops, as well as monthly, one-hour synchronous Community of Practice sessions that apply the information learned in the workshop training. At the end of the project, participating teachers receive a $300 stipend. Additionally, educators have an option to earn graduate credits through Wayne State University, receive preparation for the licensure Ohio Assessment for Educators in TESOL and credentialling from the National Association of Bilingual Education.

This YouTube video provides more information about Project ASSETS. The application deadline is May 13 at 11:59 p.m. Contact to find out more about enrolling.