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Required survey on literacy instructional materials and professional development


Ohio’s commitment to student success is stronger than ever, and strong literacy skills are the foundation to ensuring that success. To understand how literacy skills are being taught across the state, House Bill 33 of the 135th General Assembly requires all public districts and community schools to complete a survey on the core literacy curriculum and reading intervention materials used in schools and professional development provided in the science of reading. Districts and community schools also are encouraged to complete several optional questions about core instructional materials, intervention materials and professional development in mathematics.

The deadline to complete the survey is Oct. 6. The results of this survey will help inform the allocation of funds for High-Quality Curriculum and Reading Intervention subsidies provided in HB 33, along with resources and supports to schools and districts for high-quality instructional materials and professional learning. Completion of the survey is required.

District superintendents should have received a message from Ohio-K12 with a link to the survey Aug. 28. Direct any technical questions regarding the survey to

Earlier this month, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine introduced ReadOhio, an exciting statewide effort to encourage improved literacy skills for all ages, including the implementation of curriculum aligned with the science of reading in Ohio’s schools. The governor also released a video to explain what the science of reading is and why it is important.