$5 million awarded to Ohio libraries to expand learning opportunities for students
The Ohio Department of Education recently awarded $5 million to libraries across the state to expand learning opportunities for students in preK-grade 12. Awardees will use the funding for programming that supports student learning, particularly in literacy, with the goal of accelerating learning for students who have been most impacted by the pandemic.
The Department is utilizing federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds to further the strategies of Future Forward Ohio. The library funding is meant to complement other programs that are part of Future Forward Ohio, including the Summer Learning and Afterschool Opportunities grant, Regional Education Partnerships grant and Statewide Mathematics and Literacy Tutoring grant.
Strategies awardees will use include tutoring, strengthening summer reading opportunities and providing community learning programs to students.
Additional information about the grant is available on the Department’s Libraries Accelerating Learning webpage.