

Attendance holiday messaging strategies for districts


Every day of school is an important opportunity for students to learn, connect with peers and teachers, and benefit from classroom instruction.
Student absences tend to increase in the weeks before and after a holiday break from school. Schools and districts can address this issue by practicing some of these activities:

  • Send a letter out in the weeks before the longer winter break urging students and families to avoid unnecessary absences.
  • Let students and families know the date when school will resume. Remind them how excited the school and teachers are for their return.
  • Include the name and contact information for the school and connect families to community resources that can provide support if needed.
  • Plan a special event for the first day after the holiday break to welcome students and staff back. If the school can text parents or send robocalls, send a message right before school starts again to remind them of special plans.
For more information on holiday messaging activities, including sample letters, please review holiday messaging guidance provided by Attendance Works.
For more information about supporting student attendance, visit the Department’s Attendance Support webpage.
Direct questions to the Office of Whole Child Supports at attendance@education.ohio.gov or (614) 387-2202.