Literacy assessment guidance document available for students with disabilities
Administering Literacy Assessments for Students with Low-Incidence Disabilities and Complex Communication Needs, a guidance document for administering literacy assessments, now is available on the Department’s website.
Ohio’s dyslexia support laws require that all students in specific grade bands are administered a tier 1 universal screener, this includes students with disabilities. The Third Grade Reading Guarantee also requires the administration of a reading diagnostic to students in specific grade bands, including students with disabilities.
For students with complex communication needs and low-incidence disabilities, accommodations and supports are needed to ensure accurate data related to students’ reading abilities. This document provides resources and recommendations for accommodations and scaffolds districts may use when administering districtwide literacy screenings and benchmarks or reading diagnostics.
Ohio’s dyslexia support laws require that all students in specific grade bands are administered a tier 1 universal screener, this includes students with disabilities. The Third Grade Reading Guarantee also requires the administration of a reading diagnostic to students in specific grade bands, including students with disabilities.
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