Business Rule Updates to Dropout Prevention and Recovery Report Card Achievement Component
In 2019, Ohio law removed the English language arts I (ELA I) test as a required assessment in the state testing system. The ELA I test was gradually phased out and completely removed from the state testing system in summer 2023. Given the phase out of this assessment, the Department is making calculation changes to the Achievement Component of the dropout prevention and recovery school report card (DPR) to ensure the measure is just, reasonable, and feasible.
The Achievement Component in the DPR will now solely reflect 12th grade students and those nearing their 22nd birthday who have met the competency requirements on the two end-of-course examinations currently required for graduation (Algebra I or Integrated Math I and English language arts II). This change applies to students in all graduation cohorts in drop out prevention and recovery community schools.
The DPR Achievement technical document has been updated and posted on the Dropout Prevention and Recovery Report Cards webpage.