Resources available for Fiscal Year 2025 School Improvement Grants
In preparation for Fiscal Year 2025, the Department released guidance for the Title I Non-Competitive Supplemental School Improvement Grant and the Expanding Opportunities for Each Child Non-Competitive Grant. These guidance documents outline grant eligibility, allocation amounts, allowable activities for grant spending, and additional grant application requirements.
In addition, video walkthroughs about these two grants will be available on the webpages soon. The videos will feature important information about the new grant application in the CCIP, the new School Improvement grant life cycle with progress checkpoints, and estimated allocation amounts.
The Department is hosting a virtual open office hour session to answer any questions about the upcoming grants Wednesday, June 26, from noon to 1 p.m. Superintendents, school leaders, treasurers, and grant managers are encouraged to attend using this Microsoft Teams Link.
Direct questions about the Title I Non-Competitive Supplemental School Improvement Grant to
Send questions about the Expanding Opportunities for Each Child Non-Competitive Grant to