Extended Deadline: Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid and Student Wellness and Success Funds Report
The deadline for the Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid and Student Wellness and Success report is now July 19.
Ohio laws for Student Wellness and Success Funds and Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid require schools and districts to complete a report detailing planning, use of funds, and expenditures for the 2023-2024 school year. Schools and districts are required to report even if they did not spend any funds.
Individuals identified as FORMS Data Entry roles, such as superintendents, superintendent designees, treasurers, or treasurer designees for the school district in the Ohio Educational Directory System (OEDS) can access the survey in the Data Collection application within the OHID portal. Only superintendents or superintendent designees can mark the tool as complete.
Student Wellness and Success Funds updates for Fiscal Year 2024 and Fiscal Year 2025 include the following requirements for districts and schools:
- Spend at least 50% of funds on physical or mental health services;
- Develop a comprehensive plan for using funds in collaboration with both a community mental health prevention or treatment provider or local alcohol, drug addiction, and mental health services (ADAMHS) board and another community partner from the current list of partners;
- Share the plan with the governing body and post to website within 30 days after development or amendment of the plan;
- Report annually on how the district or school spent funds;
- Spend funds by the end of the next fiscal year after they were received;
- Funds received from Fiscal Year 2020 to Fiscal Year 2024 must be spent by June 30, 2025, or be repaid to the Department.
- Schools and districts can find guidance and resources for reporting on the Student Wellness and Success Funds and Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid webpage.
Contact wellnessandsuccess@education.ohio.gov with any questions.