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Secure Data Center website updates, District Trends Dashboard report


The Secure Data Center is the main resource districts should use to review Ohio School Report Card data. It is an interactive tool that allows districts to review data well before the data are final and the report cards are released. Ohio Revised Code and Ohio Administrative Code require districts to report data to EMIS and certify they have reviewed the data reported by the district in the EMIS Data Review and Verification. This verification should include all relevant reports, including those in the Secure Data Center. Data should be reviewed and verified prior to the close of the different data collections
The Secure Data Center – Status of Reports webpage provides a listing of the reports included in the Secure Data Center and the years for which the data are available. Review the Status of Reports page to determine the data currently available for the upcoming report card release. Look for the current year (2024) listed in the Notes column for each tile to indicate if the Secure Data Center has been updated with 2023-2024 EMIS data. Collaborate with the district’s EMIS coordinator to verify the appropriate data has been submitted for 2023-2024. 
A new District Trends Dashboard Report now is available and will assist districts in reviewing data for the 2023-2024 school year. The District Trends Dashboard Report contains a variety of visualizations to help districts identify significant changes in report card metrics over time that may be a result of underlying data reporting errors.  
Please review the Secure Data Center Resources and Help section of the Secure Data Center webpage for any questions or concerns with district or school reports. If the provided resources do not address your questions, please collaborate with an EMIS coordinator to do the following: 

  1. Identify relevant data elements within EMIS and their collection. Are there one or more elements or collections that may factor into the data points being investigated? 
  1. Validate the timing of the submission and the Secure Data Center report refresh schedule. Are the data out of sync and is it necessary to wait for the next data refresh?  
  1. Review the submission. Were there invalids or Level 1 errors present?  
  1. Check for any general issues or Level 2 reports that can help identify anomalies.  
  1. Verify current report card component technical documents and Where Kids Count Methodology. 
  1. Contact an Information Technology Center (ITC) and submit an EMIS HelpDesk ticket to resolve any outstanding questions related to the Secure Data Center reports. Questions and responses are documented and available to all ITC EMIS contacts in the state.  
Please note, some Secure Data Center technical document links are currently not working from the Report Card Resources webpages. At this time, the following technical documents have been updated: Traditional Achievement, Traditional Early Literacy, and Student Attendance. To access these updated report card technical documents, navigate to the Report Card Resources to explore each report card type (Traditional, Career-Technical Planning District, or Drop-out Prevention and Recovery).