2022-2023 District-Level Special Education Data reported to the public
Recently, the Department released 2022-2023 special education indicator data for all districts and community schools to the public. The District-Level Special Education Indicator Data Reported to the Public displays districts’ and community schools’ performance on key indicators established by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
IDEA requires each state to annually report to the public on the performance of each district and community school on a subset of the targets in the State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR). These required reports must include the state targets for each of the specified indicators, provide the district or community school’s performance compared to those targets, and indicate whether the district or community school met the targets. To meet this federal reporting requirement, the Department annually posts a spreadsheet on Ohio's Special Education Profiles webpage and provides a Special Education Profile Public Summary searchable by district or community school name.
Contact the Department with any questions by email to OEC.profile@education.ohio.gov.