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State leaders announce model policy for cell phones in schools


Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, Lt. Governor Jon Husted, and Department of Education and Workforce Director Stephen D. Dackin recently announced the publication of a model policy designed to minimize student use of cell phones during school hours.

The model policy prohibits students from using cell phones or similar electronic communications devices on school property during school hours. It also requires that students keep their cell phones in a secure place – such as their locker, a closed backpack, or a storage device provided by the district – at all times when cell phone use is prohibited.

Exceptions are included for students using a cell phone for a documented purpose as part of an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or for monitoring a health concern.

The Department created the model cell phone policy as part of the requirements of House Bill 250.

Recently signed by Governor DeWine, HB 250 calls for every school district in the state to establish an official policy governing cell phone usage and emphasizes limiting cell phones to the greatest extent possible.

School districts can either adopt the Department’s model policy or create their own policy, provided it adheres to all the requirements within HB 250.

Along with the model policy, the Department has also published a toolkit with resources and tools for school administrators, teachers, parents, and students. Specifically, the toolkit includes guidance to support school engagement without cell phones, as well as strategies for families to promote healthy behavior, set expectations for screen time, and reduce cell phone use outside of school.

Governor DeWine called on the Ohio General Assembly to enact legislation limiting cell phone use in schools during his State of the State Address last month, during which he also recognized the longstanding work of Lt. Governor Husted to advocate for limited cell phone usage in schools and support of parental consent requirements for children to use social media.

Sponsored by former Rep. Jessica Miranda (D-Forest Park) and Rep. Tracy Richardson (R-Marysville), and with the cell phone provision championed by Sen. Andrew Brenner (R-Delaware), HB 250 passed unanimously in both the Ohio Senate and House of Representatives.

All schools will be required to adopt cell phone policies no later than July 2025, ahead of the 2025-2026 school year.