Increasing student access to nutritious meals during summer
Beginning this summer, Ohioans can participate in a new federal permanent program called the Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer (Summer EBT), also known as SUN Bucks. The program provides cash grocery benefits to households with children who qualify for free or reduced-price meals. The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce is requesting assistance in identifying students eligible to receive this important benefit.
The Summer EBT program provides children who are eligible for free or reduced-price meals with Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. Each eligible child will receive a one-time $120 benefit for the summer.
The Department is requesting schools and districts submit a comprehensive list of students (including graduating students) meeting the following criteria:
- Direct certification or other categorical eligibility category (foster, experiencing homelessness, migrant, runaway, or Head Start) for school year 2023-2024; or
- Certified through a free or reduced-price student meal application for school year 2023-2024; or
- Community Eligibility Provision or Provision 2 schools only: Student is enrolled and approved for free waivers using the Ohio Household Income Form (this method is only approved for summer 2024).
All free or reduced-price meal certified students who have access to the National School Lunch Program or School Breakfast Program qualify for the benefit. Schools are encouraged to use their normal communications channels to remind households they can apply for free or reduced-price meals at any time during the school year and this year’s application has the added Summer EBT benefit.
Special note for Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) and Provision 2 schools:
Summer EBT regulations require each student to have a school year 2023-2024 free or reduced-price meal certification to qualify for Summer EBT. As such, and unlike P-EBT, CEP and Provision 2 schools cannot submit the full school enrollment for the Summer EBT benefit. CEP and Provision 2 schools can submit students who have current-year certifications under any of the bullet points above. All other CEP and Provision 2 households that could qualify for free or reduced-price meal benefits can complete a Summer EBT application at for benefit consideration.
Direct questions about the process to or call 866-244-0071 and select Option 1.