October is Dyslexia Awareness Month. Ohio’s Dyslexia Guidebook contains best practices and methods for screening, intervention and remediation for children with dyslexia or children displaying dyslexic characteristics.
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Ohioans are encouraged to identify their roles in keeping Ohio schools a safe place for students to learn and grow. Ohio’s Comprehensive School Safety Framework offers a comprehensive approach that balances providing physical and psychological safety in Ohio schools. Attend an upcoming webinar on positive preventative interventions.
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The Department will discuss implementation supports and options for high-dosage tutoring programs. District and school administrators are encouraged to attend.
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Plans for supporting students involved in the justice system are a component of meeting Ohio’s Every Student Succeeds Act State Plan. New Department webpages provide resources to help districts and schools provide supports and ensure students’ educational stability.
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Ohio law requires traditional public school districts, including joint vocational school districts, to annually report on a specified set of data through the Consolidated School Report. The reporting window will be open Nov. 1-30, 2023.
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