Week 4 School Safety Month: Positive alternatives to discipline
The Ohio School Safety Center will host a webinar with Lakewood City Schools Wednesday, Oct. 25 at 3 p.m., titled Positive Preventative Interventions: Alternatives to Discipline. Register to attend and learn more regarding best practices for alternatives to discipline.
Positive alternatives to punitive discipline address the root causes of student misbehavior, provide instructional practice where students learn skills to solve conflicts and help students learn about making better decisions in the future. Punitive discipline practices include removing students from the learning environment, including in- and out-of-school suspensions and expulsion for poor behavior or misconduct. The use of punitive discipline practices can have negative academic and social outcomes and can be ineffective at reducing student misbehavior. Reducing the use of punitive disciplinary measures keeps students in school and teaches responsibility and problem-solving skills.
Alternatives to discipline can begin before an incident occurs. One proactive approach is Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) to prevent misbehavior by teaching students’ appropriate behavior. Restorative practices focus on repairing harm caused by misbehavior. Trauma-informed practices keep students and staff feeling safe and supported where the impact of trauma on teaching and learning is addressed. These positive alternatives to punitive discipline aim to build strong skills and improve student safety and their engagement in the learning environment.
For additional questions, please contact saferschools@education.ohio.gov.