Updated Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid and Student Wellness and Success Funds guidance Available
Under the leadership of Governor Mike DeWine and the Ohio General Assembly, Ohio’s districts and schools receive Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid and Student Wellness and Success Funds to fund initiatives providing wraparound services for Ohio’s students. The Department is excited to share guidance that provides districts and schools with updated information on requirements, funding, uses, planning, implementation and reporting.
For Fiscal Years 2024 and 2025, districts and schools are required to use funding to support the initiatives outlined in the FY24-25 Student Wellness and Success Funding and Disadvantaged Pupil Impact Aid Uses table. Districts and schools must use at least 50% of funding for mental health services or physical health care services or a combination of both.
Visit the Department’s Supporting Student Wellness webpage for more information. Contact wellnessandsuccess@education.ohio.gov with any questions.