The Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation and Ohio Excels are hosting the Aim Hire Workforce and Education Conference, where Ohio business and education leaders will share best practices and discuss the challenges and opportunities in preparing Ohio’s students for postsecondary education success and career opportunities.
This year’s in-person event is Thursday, Oct. 12, from 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. at the downtown Hilton in Columbus.
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The Department regularly posts rules for public comment. Recently, several rules related to territory transfers opened for comment. Find the rules and related public comment deadlines on the Department’s website. Check the site often as additional rules may be added throughout the week.
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DriveOhio, an initiative of the Ohio Department of Transportation and the state’s centerhub for smart mobility innovation on the ground and in the air, is collaborating with educators and industry to prepare Ohio's talent with workforce programs related to smart mobility innovations, such as electric vehicle and self-driving car manufacturing and maintenance and package delivery drones.
The DriveOhio Educator Toolkit provides a summary of free curriculum and resources for K-12 and career-technical education teachers, employers and other workforce stakeholders to facilitate STEM education and career outreach programs.
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The Ohio Affiliate of Prevent Blindness offers free, evidence-based children’s vision screening training, certification, equipment and continuing nursing education credits for individuals who screen children in preschool through grade 12.
There are a limited number of training slots, so interested individuals are encouraged to register for upcoming sessions soon. Participants who successfully complete all aspects of the training may be eligible to receive free vision screening equipment.
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Ohio’s educators, content specialists and other stakeholders play a vital role in creating valid and reliable assessments in Ohio. The Department is accepting applications for participants to serve on content advisory and rubric validation committees for Ohio’s State Tests.
Each of Ohio’s State Tests (for example, Ohio’s State Test in grade 3 English language arts or Algebra I end-of-course test) is formed with input from its respective content advisory and rubric validation committees. While some committee members may work in higher education or serve as curriculum specialists, most members are classroom teachers. Ohio educators who serve on these committees represent the diversity of Ohio’s schools and districts, including public, nonpublic, career-technical, urban, suburban and rural schools and districts.
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