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Chief Communications Officer

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Media Releases

DEW Director Recommends Appointment of Jeremy B. Varner to Lead Division of Career-Technical Education and Workforce

Release date: 5/15/2024

Ohio Department of Education and Workforce (DEW) Director Stephen D. Dackin today announced he is recommending the appointment of Jeremy B. Varner to be the Department’s new deputy director leading the Division of Career-Technical Education and Workforce.

Varner joins the Department from the Iowa Department of Education, where he served as administrator of the Division of Community Colleges and Workforce Preparation. He has more than 15 years of experience in state education, leading the work of student-centered programs to shape secondary and postsecondary career-technical education and adult education policy. He worked to advance career and academic planning opportunities for students, facilitated pathways development, and expanded training programs.

“I am pleased to welcome Jeremy Varner to the Department of Education and Workforce where he will be spearheading our efforts in Ohio to provide students more opportunities to explore careers, take college courses, and even begin earning industry credentials,” said Ohio Governor Mike DeWine. “Through the new Division of Career-Technical Education and Workforce, we will be able to help our students find their greatest passions in life and inspire them to reach their God-given potential.”

“With expertise in advancing career-technical education programs and strengthening connections with postsecondary coursework, Jeremy will bring a powerful programmatic and policy voice to Ohio,” said Director Dackin. “We continue to elevate our career readiness opportunities for students leading to a strengthened workforce, and he will play a key role in this vision.” 

While at the Iowa Department of Education, Varner also served as acting administrator of the Division of Learning and Results and as a consultant for the Division of Community Colleges, working to expand college credit opportunities for high school students.

As part of House Bill 33 of the 135th general assembly, the director of DEW is charged with appointing deputy directors to lead the department’s Division of Career-Technical Education and its Division of Primary and Secondary Education. Varner’s appointment must be confirmed by a vote of the members of the Ohio Senate.