There’s great news to add to your social media timelines!

Ohio Department of
Education and Workforce's
Social Media Channels


With news and updates from the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce, you can keep up with what’s happening in education across the state, including the great things happening every day in classrooms!

Connect with us on each of our social media channels! We look forward to seeing you on FacebookX, InstagramLinkedIn and YouTube

Thanks for joining the conversation!

Social Media Policy

The URLs listed above are official Ohio Department of Education and Workforce social media profiles. These profiles are intended to share news and information on issues that impact the success of every student. By using and accessing official Department social media profiles, you agree to comply with each service’s terms and conditions. We will remove any content that is in violation of these terms or contrary to the Department’s values.

Personal attacks, profanity or racism will not be tolerated and will be immediately removed. In addition, comments that are repeated or do not relate to the original post will be removed. We do not allow posting of copyrighted material, such as photos or written material for which you do not own the rights to publish; advertisements; spam or other “junk” messages. Content which supports or opposes political campaigns or ballot measures will be removed. We will not edit postings; they will be either accepted or rejected in their entirety.

By accessing, affiliating with or commenting on these profiles, your identity may be visible to third parties not affiliated with the Department. The Department is not responsible for access to your identity, profile or personal information used by third parties. It is the express responsibility of the user, or his/her parent or guardian, to protect the user’s identity, profile and personal information.

Last Modified: 1/6/2025 9:18:13 AM