Obtaining Student Records
The Department of Education and Workforce does not maintain student records or transcripts and does not have access to any student records or transcripts. Records are typically maintained at the school or institution where the student was enrolled. For more details, see the information below.
K-12 Students
Adult Students
K-12 Students
What is the process for obtaining a student's record?
Public Schools and Operating Community Schools
If you attended a public school or a community school that is still in operation, you must obtain your student records and transcripts directly from the school you attended. Some schools have resources on their website informing students about how to obtain student records or a transcript. Some may even use automated systems to request school records and transcripts. If a school does not indicate how to obtain school records or a transcript, you should contact the school via phone and/or email. Directory information for schools is listed in the Department’s Ohio Educational Directory System.
Private Schools
If you attended a private school that is still in operation, you must obtain your student records and transcripts directly from the school you attended. If the school is no longer in operation, please email chartered.nonpublic.schools@education.ohio.gov for information about how you may be able to obtain your school records and/or transcripts. Please include the school’s name and location in your email.
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What if the community school that the student attended is closed?
ECOT (Electronic Classroom of Tomorrow)
If you attended ECOT, please contact records@esclakeeriewest.org for questions about your student records or transcript.
Other Closed Community Schools
If you attended any other community school that has closed, please contact your local public school district, as closing community schools are required to transfer school records to each student’s district of residence based on the student’s address. Directory information for schools is listed in the Department’s Ohio Educational Directory System.
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Adult Students
Last Modified: 11/21/2024 8:33:15 AM