Career Connections Overview and the Foundations of Career Advising
Foundations of Career Advising
Career advising is about giving students the opportunities to discover their interests and explore academic and career pathway options through relevant classroom instruction, career-related learning experiences, and consistent counseling and advising. Career advising is required under Ohio Law.
Career advising specifically targets the “One Goal” of the Strategic Plan, which calls for an annual increase in the percentage of high school graduates, who within one year of graduation, are:
- Enrolled and succeeding in a post-high school learning experience, including an adult career-technical education program, an apprenticeship and/or a two-year or four-year college program;
- Serving in a military branch;
- Earning a living wage; or
- Engaged in a meaningful, self-sustaining vocation.
Career advising aligns itself with this ambitious goal by connecting students with career awareness and pathways that start in K-12, but extend into life after high school, allowing them to discover for themselves what careers interest them the most.
The Career Connections Framework is a planning tool for districts to provide students with opportunities to develop a vision and realistic plan for their futures
Maintained by the US Department of Labor, there are 16 national career clusters which are a grouping of career pathways and occupations requiring similar skills.
The career advising policy is a 3-step process with 8 components with 3 common topics: Pathways, Individualized Planning, and Student Learning.
The 8 factors of career advising detail the local actions of career advising across the core Career Connections Framework (Awareness, Exploration, and Planning).
Student Success Plans are student-focused and address both academic and career goals aligned to resources that support individual students 6-12 that are identified as at-risk of dropping out of school. Graduation Plans are student-focused and address academic and strategic graduation goals aligned to resources that support students 9-12 that are identified as at-risk for not qualifying for a high school diploma. Supported by legislation, these plans are an essential resource for academic and post-high school career planning for all students.
Last Modified: 3/26/2024 6:46:12 PM