Train the Trainers: Career Advising Toolkit
Career advising in Ohio is designed to support students in developing a vision and realistic plan for their futures across the K-12 spectrum. During the 2015-16 school year, it was
legislatively established that Ohio school boards of education shall adopt policies on career advising and update them biannually. The specification of these advising policies is to outline how districts will provide career advising starting in grade 6 through 12; creating a linkage between academics and the world of work; develop multiple academic pathways to graduation; identify and create access to both traditional academic and career-technical credit. Ultimately, the purpose of career advising is to prepare students for a pathway of post-high school success. Additionally, districts are to utilize early warning tools and measures to identify students at-risk of dropping out of school and establish student success plans to support students in staying on a path to graduation. The legislation also calls for transparency in advising processes within a student’s direct and indirect environment, meaning not only does a counselor and or teacher dictate what should be included in a student’s advising plan, but student and parent voice is equally significant.
Understanding the policy's purpose is to know that it is the high-level view of the expected actions on the ground, but what about the building we stand on to achieve this policy view? The revised Ohio Career Advising Toolkit is designed to support schools, districts, and educators in understanding the importance of career advising and the factors within or “the building between” that impact and help shape the lives of the students, families, and communities served. Equity being an interwoven component of the toolkit process, schools, districts, and educators will gain insight into the significance, importance, and position equity plays in both policy and practice development. When informed by an equity lens and with an understanding of culturally responsive practices, the actions and solutions selected within the Career Advising Toolkit development process will better align opportunities that support all students' needs.
The purpose of this document is to support local district and school leaders in guiding stakeholder groups through the career advising toolkit in a two-step process.
Trainers could consist of the following: District Superintendents, Education Service Center Professionals, Business Advisory Council leads, School Principals or Assistant Principals.
The Ohio Career Advising Toolkit is designed to be a catalyst for transforming policy into actionable, locally driven, equitable, student-centered career advising plans. Trainers will guide stakeholders in using the toolkit to collaboratively analyze current career advising policies, local student success, and graduation plan elements, as well as, local resources and data through the use of the
Advancing Academic Excellence for All: Equity Gap Analysis Tool. Further the collaborative will participate in the following:
- Develop a foundational understanding of what career advising is and its application across Ohio's K-12 landscape through the Career Connections Framework.
- Identify and understand the requirements of career advising found in the Ohio Revised Code.
- Acquire a comprehensive understanding of career awareness, exploration, and planning within career advising.
- Develop an understanding of the multiple facets of career advising embedded within 8 factors across the core Career Connections Framework (Awareness, Exploration, and Planning). Those factors being Self-Awareness, Academic Support, Advising, College and Career Exposure, College Application and Enrollment, Family Engagement, Military Enlistment, and Professional Development.
- Recognize the significance of equity and utilize the outcomes of the Advancing Academic Excellence for All: Equity Gap Analysis Tool and additional resources to design intentional implementation strategies for policy and practice that are inclusive of and reflect the needs of all students served.
- Identify resources and strategies for student success and graduation plans.
- Design strategies for sustainability and monitoring of practices established within career advising plans.
- Utilize outcomes, strategies, resources, and tools identified in using the toolkit to inform district career advising policies.
- This resource is the downloadable PDF of the Career Advising Toolkit Train-the-Trainer.
Last Modified: 3/26/2024 6:45:37 PM