Career Connections Framework
The Career Connections Framework is a planning tool for districts to provide students with opportunities to develop a vision and realistic plan for their futures. This framework aligns the many efforts around college and career readiness to support students in becoming productive and engaged citizens.

Career Awareness
Elementary Grades (K-5)
Students become familiar with careers through learning that connects classroom instruction to future work. Career awareness strategies show students various types of careers and stimulate interest in future work.
- Workplace visits with career interviews
- Career connections learning strategies
- Classroom career speakers
- Introduction to Ohio career fields and pathways
Career Exploration
Middle Grades (6-8)
Students explore their career interests through embedded activities. Career exploration strategies are opportunities for students to discover work environments and understand the various aspects of the workplace. Strategies include tools and instruments that help students understand and appreciate their strengths and interests. Students start plans for their future with career information and postsecondary education data. Plans include course selection and planning as well as career aspirations and goals.
- Advanced academic and technical education
- Student Success Plan
- Career connections learning strategies
- Workplace visits with career interviews
- Career courses
- Career mentorships
- Career research
- Service learning
- Career-tech student organizations
- OhioMeansJobs K-12
- Career pathways
Career Planning
High School (9-12)
Students continue career exploration while focusing on career planning. Activities provide advanced experiences that offer hands-on opportunities in a workplace. Career planning strategies focus on making clear links between career options and educational decisions. Students develop the skills to revisit previous exploration and planning strategies as they face career changes throughout life.
Career Connections began in 2012 as a joint initiative among the Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation, Ohio Board of Regents (now the Ohio Department of Higher Education), OhioMeansJobs and Ohio Department of Education.
Last Modified: 12/11/2024 1:55:17 PM