Career Tech in Community Schools
The following Ohio Secondary Career-Tech Program Guidelines define specific expectations for career-technical programming to assure that all students are provided high-quality curriculum aligned with state initiatives and standards.
Significance and Alignment
Program meets a significant identified need and aligns with business/industry needs, community needs and district continuous improvement plan.
Advisory Committee
Program advisory committee makes recommendations on program design and program improvements. Advisory committees are required for workforce development programs and they are recommended for Career-Based Intervention and Work and Family Studies.
Program Design
Workforce development program design addresses pathways, specialized program and foundation course. Career-Based Intervention and Work and Family Studies program design aligns with program goals and links with career pathways.
Program is in compliance with all applicable federal laws, per the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical Education Act of 2006 (community schools are exempt from the Perkins Act, Title III Sections 316). Program is not discriminatory on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, age or disability in provision of federal programs and services.
CTE-26 (Career Tech Forms Page)
Career Tech Career Fields Page
Program provides students with co-curricular CTSO opportunities integral to curriculum, instruction and assessment.
Course of Study
Course of study defines key components of program curriculum and instruction and is based on Ohio content standards.
Workforce development program assessment plan incorporates state-, industry- or licensing-developed assessments. Work and Family Studies assessment plan incorporates state-developed assessments.
Program Accreditation and Student Credentialing
Workforce development program obtains appropriate industry accreditation when available and provides students with opportunities to earn industry-recognized credentials when available.
Core Standards and Performance Measures
Workforce development program addresses core standards and performance measures, including academic achievement, high school graduation, technical skill attainment and post-program placement.
Teacher Credentialing
Workforce Development teachers are required to hold appropriate Career-Technical Licensure as well as industry credentials, if required.
Education Management Information System (EMIS) Reporting – Program meets all EMIS community school reporting requirements.
Postsecondary Partners
Workforce development program design supports career pathways for students into postsecondary education. Tech Prep regional consortium are involved when developing articulation agreements.
Facilities and Equipment
Program facilities and equipment support program goals and mission.
Career Tech in Community Schools Documents
Last Modified: 6/20/2024 9:32:49 AM