Civil Rights - Methods of Administration Program
The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce, Office of Career-Technical Education, as the state agency responsible for the administration of career and technical education, is required to adopt a compliance program to prevent, identify and remedy discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender/sex, disability or age by its subrecipients. A “subrecipient” in this context is defined as a local educational agency, postsecondary institution, Ohio Department of Youth Services and Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections or other state-operated educational program that receives any federal financial assistance through a state agency and is delivering career-technical education.
The civil rights review process, also known as the Methods of Administration Program, is designed to assure equal opportunity for all groups and populations and improve the delivery of career and technical education. Activities of this program are required by
Section II(b) of the Vocational Education Guidelines for Eliminating Discrimination and Denial of Services on the Basis of Race, Color, National Origin, Sex, and Disability, Federal Register, Vol. 44, No. 56, page 17165, issued Wednesday, March 21, 1979.
In addition to the Vocational Guidelines cited above, the following major civil rights laws define and direct the Methods of Administration Program:
- Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
- Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
- Sec. 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
- Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
- Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
When under review, subrecipient policy and practice will be examined in the following areas:
- Recruitment
- Admissions
- Counseling
- Services to students with disabilities
- Accessibility (Facilities)
- Work study, co-op and job placement
- Employment
Admissions criteria
Accessibility Standards
Policies and Forms
Professional Development
Section 504 Resources
Last Modified: 9/16/2024 10:27:46 AM