Dropout Prevention and Recovery

Directory of Dropout Prevention and Recovery Community Schools

The following directory includes a list of contact information for dropout prevention and recovery community schools.

Dropout Prevention and Recovery Report Card Resources

Community schools that serve a majority of their students through dropout prevention and recovery programs receive a report card with alternative ratings. Dropout prevention and recovery schools receive Exceeds Standards, Meets Standards, Does Not Meet Standards or Not Reported instead of A-F for report card measures.

Graduation Requirements

Community schools must prepare students in dropout prevention and recovery programs to follow the same pathways toward graduation as students in other districts.

Reporting Data to the Department

Dropout prevention and recovery schools must report data to the department through Education Management Information System (EMIS) annually. The EMIS manual provides guidance on how to code student participation when reporting data to the department.

If you have any questions about the requirements for dropout prevention and recovery schools, please email dropoutrecovery@education.ohio.gov.

Superintendent's Workgroup on Dropout Prevention and Recovery Schools

The Superintendent’s Workgroup on Dropout Prevention and Recovery has created recommendations addressing improvement strategies for community schools that primarily enroll students between 16 and 22 years of age who dropped out of high school or are at risk of dropping out of high school and strengthening dropout prevention programs that serve youth at risk of dropping out of high school.

Summary Report

Additional Stakeholder Proposals

Last Modified: 11/15/2024 9:25:50 AM