Drafts of the 2025-2026 Sponsor Evaluation Tools

Note: Per Senate Bill 168, the Department is required to make legislative recommendations for a redesign of the sponsor evaluation.  However, the Department is still statutorily required to post the 2025-2026 sponsor evaluation for public   comment and is proceeding with posting these documents.  As such, the 2025-2026 sponsor evaluation drafts for public comment are subject to change.

Pursuant to ORC 3314.016 (B)(1) the Department of Education and Workforce shall develop and implement an evaluation system that annually rates and assigns an overall rating to each entity that sponsors a community school. The Department, not later than the first day of February of each year, shall post on the Department's web site the framework for the evaluation system, including technical documentation that the department intends to use to rate sponsors for the next school year.

Below are drafts of the 2025-2026 technical document, change logs and instruments to be used for the academic, quality and compliance components of the 2025-2026 community school sponsor evaluation. These documents are available for public review and comment until 5:00pm on Monday, March 3, 2025.
  Individuals wishing to provide comments on the draft documents listed above may do so by using the survey links below.  Please provide all comments on the compliance component, quality practices component and the technical document through their respective surveys.  Comments about the academic component should be included in the appropriate section of the technical document survey.

Survey Links for Public Comment
Please contact the Sponsor Evaluation team at sponsor.evaluation@education.ohio.gov if you have any questions.

Last Modified: 1/31/2025 8:27:52 AM