EMIS Newsflash – May 8, 2024
FY25 EMIS Changes Open for Public Comment
Ohio Law requires EMIS to create a process by which users of the system can review and provide public comment on new or updated EMIS Guidelines. EMIS changes that are subject to this process must be posted
on the website for 30 days for public comment, 30 days for the Department's response to comments, and then another 30 days for public review before changes are considered “final”.
Now Open for Public Comment
The public comment period for the following changes closes at the end of the day on June 1. Please see the webpage at the above link for complete details.
- 25-39 Adds collection of Local Use Identification Code
- 25-53 Add Student Program Code for ProStart CTSO
- 25-70 RIMP High-Dosage Tutoring Reporting
- 25-84 Updates core information for 3 subject codes
- 25-86 Updates program code 410010
- 25-105 Score Not Reported option 2 clarification
- 25-110 Removes test date table from Section 2.8
- 25-119 Updates for medical reporting
- 25-120 FY25 Industry-Recognized Credential Additions
- 25-125 Updates valid range for square feet DN attributes
Summer EBT Webpage Launch
The Summer EBT
webpage is live. The url is sebt.ohio.gov; please update any bookmarks or school correspondence accordingly. Instructions for accessing the secure data portal of the webpage will be sent to districts on or around May 7.
Summer EBT Webinar on May 15
Please join the Office of Nutrition for a Summer EBT webinar on Wednesday, May 15 from 2:30 – 3:30 p.m.
Click here to register. Guest speakers include Laura Harper from the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services and Melissa Balbaugh from the Management Council. The final details of Summer EBT—including student eligibility, data collection, and benefits distribution—will be discussed. Being a brand-new nutrition program, Summer EBT details have changed over the past few months, so everyone is encouraged to attend even if you have attended a previous webinar. If you cannot attend, the Office will post the slides and a recording a few days after the webinar.