Corrective Action Plan
State Law requires public schools to submit complete and accurate data to the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce through the Education Management Information System (EMIS) and its subsystems. Reporting complete and accurate data is critical for funding, accountability, and programmatic purposes. According to Ohio Revised Code section §3301.0714(L) districts that fail to submit complete and accurate data in accordance with the established deadlines are subject to corrective actions and the possible withholding of a percentage of foundation funds.
Criteria for the Corrective Action Plan (CAP):
Question 1
Please provide a brief explanation as to the reason(s) why records were not submitted correctly (3-5 sentences).
- Answer should show the district taking ownership of the error and presenting a clear understanding of how or why reporting problem occurred.
Question 2
Please provide a brief explanation as to the steps and processes the district will utilize to ensure records are submitted correctly in the future (3-5 sentences).
- Answer should include detailed corrective actions and plans to monitor the outcome. Examples include, but are not limited to: staff training opportunities, policy/plan revision or system improvements. The plan should identify who is responsible for the corrective actions and accountable for the results.
Question 3
Please provide a brief description of the training the district will provide to the appropriate staff to ensure accurate records are submitted correctly in the future (3-5 sentences).
- Answer should identify which staff members and describe how they will be trained.
Question 4
Briefly describe how the Corrective Action Plan will be progressed monitored to ensure implementation and successful compliance (2-3 sentences).
- Answer should describe when the corrective action will be completed or projected to be completed and how the specific actions/procedures implemented by the district be maintained for the future.
Last Modified: 3/8/2024 1:29:01 PM