Who is responsible for submitting a final correction opportunity form?
In many cases, only the superintendent is required to approve the correction request. The only exceptions are the finance correction opportunity (only the treasurer approves) and the funding correction opportunity (both the treasurer and superintendent are required to approve). Check the Districts and Schools Final Correction Opportunities page for more information about each final correction opportunity.
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Is there anything important I should know about the final correction opportunity form submission process?
Yes. The form can be initially filled out by either the superintendent, treasurer, EMIS coordinator, or superintendent designee roles in OEDS.
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When do final correction opportunities occur?
Districts and community schools are required to complete the EMIS Data Review and Verification form for EMIS data multiple times each year, including the review of Report Card data, finance data, and funding data. JVSDs are required to complete the EMIS Data Review and Verification form for CTE Report Card data, finance data, and funding data. In the EMIS Data Review and Verification form, there is an opportunity to indicate that your district is submitting a related final correction opportunity form. If you indicate you are submitting a correction opportunity form, you must then separately complete and submit the final correction opportunity form.
Additional final correction opportunities may be scheduled at the discretion of the Department.
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How will I be notified when additional final correction opportunities are available?
Superintendents will receive an email notification in the EdConnection newsletter. The information will also be shared with EMIS coordinators in an EMIS Newsflash.
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What will happen after I submit the final correction opportunity application?
You will be notified by the Department as to whether your application is approved. If approved, your district must work with the Ohio Department of Education to develop an appropriate plan to submit corrected data.
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How should final corrections for data reported for my students by other districts be handled?
If data is misreported by another district on behalf of your student, the reporting district MUST submit the final correction opportunity request. Examples of data reported by districts other than a student’s attending home district could include industry credentials, some assessments, and diploma data.
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What should I do if I cannot access the “Forms” tile after logging into my OH|ID account? What should I do if I cannot see the “Final Correction Opportunity” box after clicking on the “Forms” tile?
Consult with the district OEDS Organization Administrator to ensure you have the appropriate role of either superintendent, treasurer, EMIS coordinator, or superintendent designee.
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What should I do if I have further questions?
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