Web Reporting, OH|ID Account & OEDS

This page contains information on web reporting assistance, OH|ID account sign-up instructions, OEDS role information and instructions for printing reports from SFPS. 

To gain access to SFPS, a user needs to have a OH|ID Account, Department of Education Profile and an appropriate OEDS Role.

If you are having problems with your OH|ID Account or Department of Education Profile, please send an e-mail to the Account Administrator (and you may wish to send a CC to schoolbus@ode.state.oh.us)

If you are having problems with your OEDS role, please contact your school district/agency's OEDS administrator. 

Web Reporting

SFPS Training Classes

Periodic classes to train users in the transportation modules (T8, T9, T10, Driver Maintenance and Bus Inventory) are available.  Space is limited to 18 in each class.  If registrations are too few in number, the class may be canceled 14 days in advance.





Last Modified: 7/12/2022 12:15:59 PM