Regional Data Leads
Regional Data Leads (RDLs) are members of the Ohio Educational Data Professionals Network who work at the regional level. They provide professional development, technical assistance, and coaching support to educators to strengthen professional practice and improve learning for all students.
Regional Data Leads have extensive training and experience with a broad range of data and reports resulting from Ohio’s accountability systems and educator effectiveness programs. They foster a culture of data reliance by promoting a consistent understanding of education data through offering technical assistance to school administrators and teachers.
Regional Data Leads are located at Educational Service Centers and State Support Teams throughout the state. Services from Regional Data Leads are available to all districts and community schools based on partnerships with the Department.
Criteria to be Considered a Regional Data Lead:
1. Obtain a Credential
By completing one or more of these targeted trainings (
in any order) and passing the assessments, RDL's demonstrate they hold the skills and knowledge to meet the data use needs of districts.
*EVAAS University is not required to be completed first.
- Understanding and Using Attendance Data for Improvement Credential-Register Here
- State Assessment Data Credential
- Gauging Student Readiness Credential- Register Here
- High-Quality Student Data Credential
- Data to Serve Exceptional Children Credential
- Equitable Access Data Credential
- Progress Toward Graduation Data Tool Credential
- Early Warning System Data Credential
- Academic Growth Data Credential - Regional Data Leads earn this credential by attending EVAAS/SAS University.
2. Provide Regional Supports
Although any individual can earn a credential, RDLs are intentional in providing regional supports to buildings and districts in their credentialed topic.
3. Be Employed by an Educational Service Center (ESC) or a State Support Team (SST)
Regional Data Leads must be employed by an ESC and/or SST. Ohio’s goal is for every district and school in the state to have affordable access to high-quality support in using data to identify educational problems and help identify and monitor credible solutions. RDLs help support this goal by providing regional supports through their affiliation with an ESC and/or SST.
Contact a Regional Data Lead:
Related Activities and Templates: Student Reports Activity Packet
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Last Modified: 12/19/2024 8:57:55 AM