Dropout Prevention and Recovery Report Cards

Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) 3301-102-10, a community school is considered a dropout prevention and recovery school if any of the following applies:

  • The community school operates a drug recovery program in cooperation with a court


  • The community school serves the majority of enrolled students through a dropout prevention and recovery program operated by the school that meets the following criteria:
    • The program only serves students older than sixteen years of age and less than twenty-one years of age
    • The program enrolls students who, at the time of their initial enrollment, either are at least one grade level behind their cohort age groups or experience crises that significantly interfere with their academic progress not allowing them to continue their traditional programs.  These conditions are not mutually exclusive.
    • The program requires students to attain at least the applicable score designated for each of the assessments prescribed under division (B)(1) of section 3301.0710 of the Revised Code or, to the extent prescribed by rule of the state board of education under division (B)(2) or (D)(5) of section 3301.0712 of the Revised Code
    • The program develops an individual career plan for the student that specifies the student's matriculating to a two-year degree program, acquiring a business and industry credential, or entering an apprenticeship
    • The program provides counseling and support for the student related to the plan developed under division (A)(4) of section 3314.26 of the Revised Code during the remainder of the student's high school experience
    • The program's instructional plan demonstrates how the academic content standards adopted by the state board of education under section 3301.079 of the Revised Code are taught and assessed


  • The community school is a conversion community school whose sponsoring district has received a waiver from having the school's academic data rolled up into the district's local report card because the school primarily enrolls students between sixteen and twenty-two years of age who dropped out of high school or are at risk of dropping out of high school due to poor attendance, disciplinary problems, or suspensions.

Ohio Revised Code 3314.017 requires the Department to create a report card for each Dropout Prevention and Recovery School. The Department refers to these report cards as Dropout Prevention and Recovery Community School Report Cards (DPR).

Ohio’s Dropout Prevention and Recovery (DPR) report cards provide alternative ratings for community schools that serve a majority of their students through dropout prevention and recovery programs. Here are the key points:

  • Designation: DPR Community Schools receive a specialized report card designed for them. Schools that previously received a waiver from closure and conversion community schools with an approved Report Card data roll-up exclusion application receive DPR report cards. All eligible schools must apply for approval to receive a DPR report card.
  • Rating System: Instead of 1-5 Stars, DPR report cards use the following designations: Exceeds Standards, Meets Standards, Does Not Meet Standards, or Not Reported. These designations reflect performance in various areas relevant to dropout prevention and recovery programs.
  • Growth Measures: Ohio Revised Code 3314.017 requires DPR report cards to include growth measures in reading and mathematics from nationally norm-referenced assessments. The Star Reading and Star Math assessments from Renaissance are used for this purpose  
  • Components: Schools and districts receive an overall rating and star ratings for four componentsachievementprogressgap closing, and graduation.

While report cards provide essential data, visiting schools, talking to educators, parents, and students, and reviewing school or district webpages can provide a more complete picture.

For more detailed technical information, you can explore the Dropout Prevention and Recovery Community School Technical Documentation below.

Overall and Component Ratings

The Overall Calculation from the Dropout Prevention and Recovery (DPR) Community School Report Card is a comprehensive evaluation method that combines multiple components to determine a school’s performance. 

  • Overall Rating: The final rating is calculated using a weighted formula where 30% is based on the Graduation component, 20% on the Achievement Passage Rate, 20% on the Gap Closing, and 30% on the Progress component. Schools are then rated as “Exceeds Standards,” “Meets Standards,” or “Does Not Meet Standards” based on the percentage of points earned.


The DPR Report Card includes four components that are used to calculate the overall rating. Those components (achievement, gap closing, graduation, and progress) are explained in detail below the image. 



Achievement measures the percentage of twelfth-grade students and those close to their twenty-second birthday who have passed all applicable state high school achievement assessments.



Assesses growth in student achievement in reading and mathematics using the Renaissance Star Reading & Math assessments.


Gap Closing

This shows how well schools are meeting performance expectations for all student populations in English language arts, mathematics, graduation, and English learner proficiency.



This includes five individual graduation rates for students who graduate in four to eight years. The rates are combined to produce a single graduation component rating.


​Additional Technical Documentation and Resources

Student Enrollment​

​The Ohio Report Cards provide a comprehensive overview of student enrollment across various educational settings, including Dropout Prevention and Recovery Districts. These measures capture the diverse educational choices, such as enrollment in community schools, participation in scholarship programs, and attendance in specialized programs. By examining these enrollment metrics, stakeholders can gain insights into student mobility, school choice options, and the effectiveness of different educational pathways in meeting the needs of Ohio’s diverse student population. The data does not reflect the quantity or quality of options within each category because to achieve a full understanding of school choice would require knowledge of school locations, enrollment policies, and voucher qualifications.

Student Attendance

In the pursuit of academic excellence and student well-being, schools must monitor attendance diligently. The Attendance Rate measures the total time students spend in school against the total enrolled time, acting as a gauge for the school environment’s effectiveness in promoting regular attendance. The Chronic Absenteeism Improvement Indicator tracks the percentage of students who are chronically absent, indicating they miss a significant portion (10% or more) of the school year. Schools use this data to identify trends in absenteeism and implement targeted interventions that improve student attendance and academic success.


Getting Started

Last Modified: 12/31/2024 7:33:51 AM