Getting Ready for Kindergarten
To prepare for kindergarten, children need to be supported and nurtured in all areas of development. It is also important that your child is physically, socially and emotionally ready to participate in school. This list can serve as a guide as you and your child prepare for the exciting transition to kindergarten!
Examples include, but are not limited to the following.
Can your child...
Separate from primary caregiver without anxiety?
Use self-control?
- Keeping hands to self
- Sharing and taking turns
- Cooperating and playing with other children
- Using classroom supplies appropriately
Cooperate with adults and authority figures?
- Following directions
- Communicating needs effectively
Demonstrate self-help skills?
- Using the restroom independently
- Putting on and zipping own coat
- Tying shoes

Use classroom tools and toys efficiently?
- Cutting with scissors
- Holding and using a pencil, crayon or marker
- Building with blocks or Legos
Express self-awareness in a variety of ways?
- Knowing first and last name
- Writing first name
- Naming the letters in first name
- Knowing name of primary caregiver(s)

For a printable version of this readiness list, click here.
Please remember, young children develop and change constantly. Help your child make successful transitions from home to school. If he or she cannot do something this week, you may see the child do it a couple of weeks later. Providing opportunities to practice these skills through daily routine and experiences will help foster your child’s independence and love of learning.
Do you have questions about your preschool child with special needs transitioning to kindergarten? Please contact the Preschool Special Education team for more information.
Do you have any concerns about your child meeting developmental milestones?
Do you think your child may be gifted?
Learn more about developmental milestones for children Kindergarten through Third Grade at Bold Beginning.
Additional Resources
Last Modified: 12/14/2023 2:44:57 PM