Grant Opportunities
Grant Opportunities
Welcome to the Ohio Department of Education's grants opportunities page. The Department awards and administers state and federal grants that support school districts, community and charter schools, educational service centers, higher education institutions and community-based and nonprofit organizations. Interested applicants can find active funding opportunities for the Department and other state agencies on the Ohio Grants Partnership website.
The Ohio Grants Partnership website, created by Ohio's Office of Budget and Management, is a resource for state agencies and subrecipients of the state to access training, best practice resources, funding opportunities, guidance, and links to other beneficial grants opportunities and information. The information on this page may be updated periodically. Therefore, be sure to check the site often to review updated content.
For questions specific to a grant opportunity, please reach out to the contact listed in the funding opportunity.
For general inquiries, please e-mail
Last Modified: 7/26/2023 11:30:11 AM