Ohio K12 EdTech Leaders Community


This forum for Ohio K-12 school technology leaders is provided to enhance and support the individual work and collective collaboration of those who specifically administer, manage and support the technology resources or technology staff within a school or district in Ohio.  Its primary purpose is to provide a community experience where assistance, collaboration, evaluation, support, resources, and standards are developed and exchanged in a timely manner.



Upon subscribing, members are expected to adhere to the community guidelines.


To subscribe to the group, send a blank email to main+subscribe@ohiok12edtech.groups.io from the email address with which you wish to receive group posts. You will receive an email response to which you must reply to complete your subscription.


Once subscribed, to post to the forum, simply email main@ohiok12edtech.groups.io. Your email becomes your post.
Cloud access for the group via https://groups.io/g/ohiok12edtech
Use the Groups.io app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.


To unsubscribe from the group, send a blank email to main+unsubscribe@ohiok12edtech.groups.io from the email address by which you are subscribed.

Eligibility Requirements

This list is monitored but is not moderated by a volunteer committee of Ohio K12 Tech Leaders. There are no eligibility requirements for subscribing to the list. However, becoming a member of the community means you agree to follow the community guidelines. Individuals who violate those expectations may be banned from the forum.

Contact Information

If you have questions or need further assistance, please contact the group administrator at ohiok12edtech+owner@groups.io or email ohiok12edtech+help@groups.io


Last Modified: 6/27/2023 8:05:10 AM