Overcoming obstacles to learning means addressing obstacles that impede the ability of students to learn. This includes tackling issues like attendance, mental health and high-speed internet. Attendance is a critical concern: students need to be present to engage with learning, but the pandemic greatly impacted attendance. Ohio is investing in several programs to support student attendance. The state also is investing in resources to support districts in meeting the mental health needs of their students, including a Center of Excellence for Prevention Education. Ohio is ensuring more students and families have access to additional learning opportunities at home such as online learning through programs and services, like the Connectivity Champions.

Image for Stay in the Game! NetworkStay in the Game Network

($5 million)

The work with these partners will include professional development on implementing research-based attendance strategies for districts. It will leverage communities of practice to build regional capacity through Ohio’s educational service centers and state support teams. In addition, districts can receive intensive supports through a data cohort with Proving Ground, district diagnostics with Attendance Works and access to a digital play book from the Cleveland Browns. Learn more on the Stay in the Game Network website.

Image for Engage OhioEngage Ohio

($7 Million)

A statewide program funded by the Ohio Department of Education and offered to Ohio's districts and schools to help increase attendance by providing intensive outreach, engagement and enhanced support for eligible students in grades K-12. For more information, visit the ENGAGE Ohio website.

Image for Early Childhood Mental Health PartnershipEarly Childhood Mental Health Partnership

($4.5 million)

The partnership brings together early childhood mental health consultants in each of the 16 state support team regions so that each state support team is paired with a consultant who will train school personnel, conduct consultations and accept referrals for preK-grade 3 students in schools served in the region. 

Image for Center of Excellence for Prevention EducationCenter of Excellence for Prevention Education and Suicide Prevention

($9 million)

In partnership with the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, the Ohio Department of Education will work to build school district, educational service center and community mental health capacity in suicide prevention, student assistance programs, prevention education and trauma-informed practices through the creation of a Center of Excellence for Prevention Education. The center will be a resource for schools and districts and provide technical assistance, coaching and identification of best practices to increase and enhance prevention supports for K-12 students. Evidence-based suicide prevention training will be offered to schools across Ohio.

Image for School-Based HealthcareSchool-based Health Care

($9 million)

These funds will assist school districts and health care providers in establishing and expanding school-based health care facilities and services. Districts that partner with local health care providers can receive $500,000 in grant funds through the Ohio Department of Health for capital costs associated with creating and expanding school-based health care facilities and services for Ohio’s students. Read more about School-based Health Care.

Image for Family and Community Partner Liaisons and Family Engagement LiaisonsFamily and Community Partner Liaisons and
Family Engagement Liaisons

($11 million)

This funding will support and extend existing work being done by Ohio’s educational service centers and The Ohio State University’s Statewide Family Engagement Center to provide students with wraparound services and whole-child supports through partnerships with community organizations. Liaisons will work with families, students and schools to encourage student engagement or re-engagement, as well as promote consistent school attendance and reduce chronic absenteeism. Visit Ohio's Statewide Family Engagement Center for more information.

Image for Connectivity ChampionsConnectivity Champions

($3 million)

The Connectivity Champions will ensure schools, students and educators have access to reliable and adequate internet and technologies necessary for remote, hybrid and in-person education. The Connectivity Champions will coordinate and help troubleshoot connectivity issues, connect schools and families to resources at the local, regional, state and federal levels, and ensure technology integration in education. Read more about Connectivity Champions.

Image for Learning Aid OhioLearning Aid Ohio

($8 million)

Learning Aid Ohio aims to provide in-person, supplemental learning support for students with IEPs and 504 Plans in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and remote learning. ​Their goal is to connect families with Learning Providers to help students stay on track toward their academic goals, specific to their individual needs, and based on the curriculum their traditional teachers set.​ Read more about Learning Aid Ohio or visit Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities website. 

Last Modified: 8/10/2023 4:12:21 PM