Computer Science
Computer Science
State Committee on Computer Science Releases Final Report Now Available
Ten Recommendations to Make Ohio a National Leader in Computer Science Education and Workforce Pipeline
The State Committee on Computer Science has released its final report outlining 10 recommendations that, if implemented, would help make Ohio a national leader in computer science (CS) education and workforce pipeline. Visit the State Committee on Computer Science webpage to read the press release and the committee report.
Please contact with questions.
Computer science education is expanding in Ohio’s K-12 schools, and the Department would like to learn about and share the types of classroom activities Ohio’s schools are providing that align to Ohio’s Standards and Model Curriculum for Computer Science.
Please email John Wiseman or call (614) 728-7589 to share your success stories, best practices and resources.
This computer science webpage features information supporting each part of Ohio’s educational system: Ohio’s Learning Standards, the model curricula, assessments and additional resources to help teachers in their classrooms. Click on each section of the graphic below to explore how these components work together. All component descriptions also appear in this handout.
To access supporting materials for teaching Ohio students, click on the links below.
Computer Science Contact Information
Janelle Horton
(P) 614-752-1406
John Wiseman
(P) 614-728-7589
Last Modified: 9/2/2022 10:32:50 AM