Health Education

Ohio law directs schools and districts to include health education and other related topics at various times throughout its K-12 curriculum. This webpage provides legislative requirements and numerous resources to help support the development of a school’s or district’s health curriculum.

Health Education: Legislation 

HB367- Opioid Abuse Prevention
Dating Violence Prevention
CPR and AED 
Organ Donation HB438

Health Education: Graduation Requirements

Please review the Complete Courses and Requirements to learn more about health education graduation requirements.

Health Education: Prescribed Curriculum

Overall curriculum requirements are outlined in the Ohio Revised Code 3313.60.

SAVE Students Act

Starting in the 2023-2024 school year, Ohio law requires one-hour (or one standard class period) of instruction is provided for each of the three topic areas – suicide awareness and prevention; safety training and violence prevention; and social inclusion.

Instruction must occur every year for students in each grade 6-12. (Instruction can be provided in courses other than health education if it is not offered in all grades 6-12). 

The instruction offered must be approved by the Departments of Education and Workforce, Mental Health and Addiction Services and Public Safety. The list of the approved programs is available on the Safety and Violence Education Students (SAVE Students) Act website.

Read more on the Safety and Violence Education Students (SAVE Students) Act webpage.

Instructional Resources: 

NOTE: These resources are intended for teaching professionals to utilize in their lessons and not replace a lesson or an educator.


Last Modified: 11/26/2024 3:31:27 PM