Ohio Dyslexia Committee

Work of the Ohio Dyslexia Committee 

The Ohio Dyslexia Committee (ORC 3323.25) is responsible for developing many of the implementation guidelines for Ohio’s dyslexia support law. The committee began meeting in May 2021 and has developed Ohio's Dyslexia Guidebook. The guidebook contains information regarding the best practices and methods for universal screening, intervention and remediation for children with dyslexia or children displaying dyslexic characteristics and tendencies using a structured literacy program​.

The Ohio Department of Education sought out nominations for volunteer membership on the Ohio Dyslexia Committee.

Committee Members

Trevor Thomas
Superintendent (State Superintendent of Public instruction Appointment)
Heath City Schools
LaMonica Davis
Elementary Principal (State Superintendent of Public instruction Appointment)
Akron Public Schools
Olivia Weisman
ESC Employee (State Superintendent of Public instruction Appointment)
ESC of Lorain County

Melissa Spangler
Reading Intervention Specialist
Rocky River City School District

Sherine Tambyraja
Senior Research Strategist (Director of Ohio Department of Education and Workforce  Appointment)
Ohio Department of Education and Workforce
Chinnon Jaquay
School Psychologist (State Superintendent of Public instruction Appointment)
Fremont City Schools

Steven M. Griffin 
Language Arts Coordinator (Ohio Speech and Hearing Professionals Board Appointment)
Worthington City Schools
Mike McGovern
Parent (International Dyslexia Association Appointment)
International Dyslexia Association
Rebecca Tolson
IDA Board Member (International Dyslexia Association Appointment)
International Dyslexia Association
Amy Murdoch
Higher Education (Ohio Department of Higher Education Appointment)
Mount St. Joseph University

The Ohio Dyslexia Committee is responsible for the following:

  • Development of Ohio's Dyslexia Guidebook which highlights best practices and methods for universal screening, intervention and remediation for children with dyslexia or children displaying dyslexic characteristics and tendencies using a structured literacy program;
  • Prescribing the number of clock hours of dyslexia-related professional development and a list of approved courses required for teachers under ORC 3319.077;
  • Considering and making recommendations regarding whether professional development requirements should include completion of a practicum;
  • Considering whether to recommend appropriate ratios in school buildings of students to teachers who have received certification in identifying and addressing dyslexia;
  • Considering whether to recommend other school personnel who should receive certification in identifying and addressing dyslexia, including school psychologists or speech-language pathologists.

Committee Meeting Notes

  • May 25, 2021 (Topics: Overview of the committee, Applying an equity lens)
  • June 29, 2021 (Topics: Provisions of the Guidebook)
  • July 27, 2021 (Topics: Certification processes, Multidisciplinary teams)
  • August 31, 2021 (Topics: Assessment and intervention, Tier 1 and 2 screeners)
  • September 28, 2021 (Topics: Guidebook draft review, Multidisciplinary teams )
  • October 26, 2021 (Topics: Kindergarten standards revisions, Guidebook feedback)
  • November 30, 2021 (Topics: Guidebook review, Professional learning recommendations)
  • December 15, 2021 (Topics: Review and vote on Guidebook edits and reorganization)
  • January 25, 2022 (Topics: Review and vote on Guidebook revisions)
  • February 22, 2022 (Topics: Review and vote on Guidebook revisions; PD and certification)
  • March 29, 2022 (Topics: Certification Pathways, Professional Development options, Review and vote on Guidebook revisions)
  • May 31, 2022 (Topics: Review of Implementation Supports; Certification and PD Options)
  • June 24, 2022 (Topics: Certification, Changes from HB583, Chair Election)
  • April 25, 2023 (Topics: Workgroup updates, Chair Nominations)
  • August 29, 2023 (Topics: Workgroup updates, OSU Family Engagement Center Presentation)
Contact dyslexia@education.ohio.gov with questions or refer to the dyslexia support law's Frequently Asked Questions page.

Last Modified: 11/25/2024 2:49:50 PM