Ohio’s Model for Instructional Coaching for Literacy

Literacy Coaching under HB 33

In 2023, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine announced the ReadOhio initiative, a statewide effort to encourage improved literacy skills for all ages that includes the implementation of curriculum aligned with the science of reading in Ohio’s schools.

HB 33 provided funding for the Department of Education and Workforce in FY24 and FY25 to support coaches to provide literacy supports to school districts, community schools, and STEM schools with the lowest rates of proficiency in literacy based on their performance on the English language arts assessments prescribed under section 3301.0710 of the Ohio Revised Code.
Coaches shall have training in the science of reading and evidence-based strategies for effective literacy instruction and intervention and shall implement Ohio's Coaching Model, as described in Ohio's Plan to Raise Literacy Achievement.  

This report of the first cohort of ReadOhio coaching provides detailed information regarding the training of ReadOhio coaches, Ohio’s literacy coaching model, and implementation results and outcomes. Coaching in schools began in December 2023. Data from this first year suggest a successful foundational year for ReadOhio coaching.
ReadOhio Coaching 2023-2024 Report

ReadOhio Drivers 

Ohio's Model for Instructional Coaching for Literacy provides a framework for developing and improving approaches to coaching teachers to develop excellent literacy instruction. This webpage, along with the Ohio's Model for Instructional Coaching for Literacy Handbook, provide resources and guidance for developing and improving instructional coaching in a grade band or content area, building, or district. 

Key Components of ReadOhio Literacy Coaching Framework

Infographic of 4 levels for ReadOhio Literacy Coaching model. 1. Blue arrow with icon for Universal Supports. 2. Teal arrow with icon for Self guided Supports. 3. Light blue arrow with icon for small group supports. 4. Green arrow with icon for one on one supports
  • Universal supports for all educators and administrators in the science of reading
  • Supporting team(s) with collaborative problem solving and data-driven decision making
  • Data-driven coaching to bolster core instruction and intensify intervention to meet student needs
  • Development of building and district processes to support selection and implementation of professional learning and high-quality instructional materials aligned with the science of reading.

ReadOhio Partner Schools; Fast Facts, Cohort 1

  • 53 District and Community Schools
  • 22 ReadOhio Coaches
  • 11 Urban Literacy Specialists
  • 4 Regional Coaching Coordinators

Building Capacity

The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce is committed to supporting our partner Educational Service Centers and State Support Teams to provide direct oversight, support, technical assistance, coaching and professional learning to coaches. 

Educational Service Center Partners

  • ESC - Northeast Ohio (State Support Team Regions 3, 4, 5, 8, 9)
  • ESC - East Central Ohio (State Support Team Regions 11, 12, 15, 16)
  • ESC - Mid-Ohio (State Support Team Regions 1, 2, 7)
  • ESC - Montgomery County (State Support Team Regions 6, 10, 13, 14)

Coaching Deliverables

ReadOhio Coaches are charged with the implementation of a multi-tiered system of support in reading. Those elements are:
  • Leadership Collaboration
  • Relationship Building
  • Communication
  • Feedback Loops/Follow Up
  • Assessment
  • Teaming Structures
  • Collaborative Problem Solving
  • Professional Learning
  • Evidenced Based Strategies/HQIM

Student Focused Coaching: Data First Decision Making

ReadOhio Coaches use a Student Focused Coaching Model that uses a student data first approach.  In addition, coaches may find themselves in various coaching roles; Teacher/Learner, Collaborative Problem Solver, or Facilitator.  Using flexible roles allows for differentiation in coaching supports to meet the needs of all Ohio educators and students.

Coaching Support: Year 1

ReadOhio Coaches provide educators and schools daily support in a variety of ways.  Below is a snapshot of the coaching sessions month by month.

ReadOhio District and School Partners

Use this map to see the ReadOhio district and school partners.

ReadOhio School Impact

Meet the Coach: Allison Scott

District(s) supported: Wellsville Local and Southern Local
“Spending time within the school districts has been truly rewarding. The teachers are the power to change student outcomes, and I’m so honored to be able to work with the teachers at Wellsville Local and Southern Local. The staff is dedicated to improving literacy outcomes for all students, and their dedication does not go unnoticed. Both districts have undergone a curriculum adoption aligned to the science of reading, and I am excited to see the students grow and flourish throughout this project!”

Using Data to Support Change 

Literacy Academy on Demand Courses to build knowledge of data use 

The following short, online courses from Literacy Academy on Demand can provide insights and strategies for understanding, delivering and evaluating the results of student assessment data: 

Developing Educator Capacity

Literacy Academy on Demand Courses to Build Instructional  Capacity 

The following short, online courses from Literacy Academy on Demand can provide insights and strategies for building educator capacity. These courses can be taken by individual teachers, support staff and administrators. To increase the impact of courses, consider having teams of educators take the same course(s) and find time in team or coaching meetings to discuss learning, questions, resources and how to implement course content. 

K-5 Courses 

6-12 Courses

Last Modified: 1/10/2025 2:14:59 PM