Ohio's Learning Standards for Mathematics

Ohio educators, many of whom engage daily with Ohio students, drove the process to make improvements to Ohio’s Learning Standards for Mathematics as part of a periodic review. In many cases, the changes reflect instruction already taking place in Ohio’s classrooms. The clarifications in the revised standards will guide districts in modifying, not replacing their existing local curriculum, instructional plans and materials. In addition to the information available now, we will be providing additional resources to help educators learn about, and begin using, the revised standards.

Ohio's Learning Standards for Mathematics (2017)

In 2015-2016, educators statewide and the Ohio Department of Education began an updating process resulting in revised standards that the State Board of Education adopted in February 2017.

Special Note Regarding Accessibility

The Ohio Department of Education is dedicated to making information posted on these webpages accessible, in accordance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. We will be making improvements to portable document format (PDF) documents so that mathematics documents are more accessible. In the meantime, those needing assistance may contact (877) 644-6338.

Standards Resources

All Grades





Kindergarten-Grade 8 High School 
K-8 Learning Progression  
Color Coded K-5 Learning Progression  
Grades 6-8 Learning Progressions by Topic  
Grade 8-Geometry Learning Progressions by Topic
K-8 Critical Areas of Focus High School Critical Areas of Focus
Model Curriculum & Instructional Supports 
Standards for Mathematical Practice 

Kindergarten – Grade 8

Kindergarten-Grade 8 Standards By Grade Level 
Kindergarten Standards Grade 5 Standards
Grade 1 Standards Grade 6 Standards
Grade 2 Standards Grade 7 Standards
Grade 3 Standards Grade 8 Standards 
Grade 4 Standards
Kindergarten-Grade 8 Standards Supporting Documents
K-8 Learning Progressions K-8 Critical Areas of Focus
Compacted Standards in Middle School

High School 

High School Standards By Course       
High School Standards By Course At a Glance
Algebra 1 Geometry
Math 1 Math 2
Algebra 2/Math 3 Data Science Foundations
Advanced Quantitative Reasoning Statistics and Probability
Discrete Mathematics/Computer Science
High School Critical Areas of Focus
Algebra 1
Critical Areas of Focus
Critical Areas of Focus
Math 1
Critical Areas of Focus
Math 2
Critical Areas of Focus
Algebra 2/Math 3
Critical Areas of Focus
Statistics and Probability
Critical Area of Focus
Advanced Quantitative Reasoning
Critical Area of Focus
Data Science Foundations
Critical Areas of Focus 
Discrete Mathematics/Computer Science Critical Areas of Focus

Other Standards Resources 

Last Modified: 11/25/2024 11:11:27 AM