Resources for Mathematics
Resources for Mathematics
The math resources below will deliver support to educators as they implement
Ohio’s Learning Standards.
Table of Contents
Ohio's Professional Learning Resources
Building Fact Fluency
Building Fact Fluency Through Mathematical Storytelling featuring Graham Fletcher
Beauty in Building Fact Fluency with Addition and Subtraction in Kindergarten through Grade 2 featuring Barb Weidus, a Math Coach from Williamsburg Local Schools, and Brooke Lovely from Forest Hills Schools
Beauty in Building Fact Fluency with Multiplication and Division in Grades 3-5 featuring Barb Weidus, a Math Coach from Williamsburg Local Schools, and Brooke Lovely from Forest Hills Schools
Best Practices in K-12 Mathematics for Gifted Learners Using Ohio’s K-8 Learning Progressions
Best Practices in K-12 Mathematics for Gifted Learners: Examining and Incorporating National Guidance Documents
Ohio's Math Resources
ACT and SAT Alignment to the Ohio Learning Standards for Mathematics
Resources Created by Organizations from Outside of Ohio
These resources were created by professional organizations outside of Ohio and are not guaranteed to fully align to the
Ohio Learning Standards for Mathematics. When reviewing these resources, educators can use the expectations for learning and content elaborations contained in the
Model Curriculum to help make determinations on whether to use the materials with their instruction.
- Achieve the Core - These guides will help educators understand and implement the mathematics standards. They can use the guides as they observe teachers giving instruction and provide them with feedback that supports their planning and reflection.
Arizona Progressions - These narrative documents describe the typical learning progression of a topic, informed by both research on children’s cognitive development and the logical structure of mathematics.
Illuminations - This project by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics provides quality lessons and interactive resources for teaching and learning mathematics.
Illustrative Mathematics – This site illustrates the range and types of mathematical work that students should experience as teachers use Ohio's Learning Standards in Mathematics. It also presents other tools supporting standards-based instruction.
Inside Mathematics - Educators can find exemplary standards-based lesson ideas on this site, as well as classroom videos. Teachers interested in the lessons can search under “performance task” for lesson ideas organized by grade and course.
K-2 Performance Level Descriptors -The K-2 Performance Level Descriptors (PLD) document by the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) is a tool developed with input from Ohio educators. The K-2 PLDs serve as a tool that can help math educators identify student proficiency along a progression of learning during instruction. Therefore, when tasks are given to students, these performance level descriptors will help teachers make instructional decisions to help move their students’ learning forward.
National Library of Virtual Manipulatives - The site contains manipulatives and concept tutorials across the grade bands.
Teaching Channel - Provides guiding questions to use during planning and instruction. Classroom videos model best practices. Learning activities showcase rigorous problems that deepen conceptual understanding.
YouCubed – Showcases research-based teaching methods, mathematics tasks, videos and ideas on how to bring about high levels of student engagement.
Last Modified: 9/25/2024 1:14:10 PM