Mathematical Modeling and Reasoning Course

What is Quantitative Reasoning?

The Mathematical Modeling and Reasoning (MMR) course is an advanced quantitative reasoning course. Quantitative Reasoning (QR) is the application of basic mathematics skills, such as algebra, to the analysis and interpretation of quantitative information (numbers and units) in real-world contexts to make decisions relevant to daily life. Critical thinking is its primary objective and outcome. It emphasizes interpretation, representation, calculation, analysis/synthesis, assumptions and communication.

ven diagrag showing the overlap of real-world contexts, math and critical thinking that makes quantitative reasoning

The Mathematical Modeling and Reasoning (MMR) course is designed to promote reasoning, problem-solving and modeling through thematic units focused on mathematical practices, while reinforcing and extending content in Number and Quantity, Algebra, Functions, Statistics and Probability, and Geometry.


The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce partnered with the Ohio Department of Higher Education and the Ohio Math Initiative (OMI) to create a math transition course to prepare Ohio high school seniors who have not earned a remediation-free score for a college entry-level mathematics course. (Entry-level mathematics courses may include Quantitative Reasoning, Statistics and Probability, or College Algebra pathway courses.) This course is titled Mathematical Modeling and Reasoning, and the curriculum was created by Ohio postsecondary and secondary math faculty.

This course has been modified from a fourth-year transition course to an Algebra 2 equivalent course and satisfies the credit requirement for Algebra 2. Students who succeed in this course may take an Algebra 2 course, College Credit Plus course or AP math course their fourth year.

Participating in the Training

The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce, in partnership with the Ohio Educational Service Center Association (OESCA), is providing opportunities to expand the High School Mathematics Pathways Initiative to support districts for the 2024-2025 school year.

To ensure the fidelity and implementation of the course, the completed application form requires the following information: 

  • The signature of the local school board president or district treasurer;
  • The signature of the local superintendent/building administrator; and
  • The signature of the professional staff bargaining unit leader. 

To express interest in participating in the training and implementation, districts and schools submit their application starting Wednesday, Nov. 29-Friday, Dec. 22, 2023.

To help support a more successful implementation, professional development will be required for all teachers participating in the course. Teachers will be expected to attend a summer workshop and ongoing professional development throughout the school year.

For questions, email Annika Moore at


Note: Submitting interest does not guarantee selection into the project.

Sample Lessons 

Sample Lesson Number and Quantity: Driving for Gas

Sample Lesson Functions: Bouncing Ball

Sample Lesson Statistics: Are Double Stuff Oreos Actually Double Stuffed? Sample Lesson Probability: Taste Test Challenge


Last Modified: 1/15/2025 7:37:27 AM