The Ohio Department of Education awarded $5 million in Libraries Accelerating Learning Grants to Ohio libraries planning to create or expand literacy programs for Ohio’s PreK-12 students.

Use the map below to find a local grantee or view the full list.  Click the  icon on the map below to view the map legend. 


The Department invites Ohio’s public library systems to express interest in receiving American Rescue Plan ESSER funding to help accelerate learning between the time of award and Sept. 30, 2024.   Applicants may serve students entering prekindergarten through 12th grade in activities designed to address learning loss and accelerate learning. The library funding is meant to complement other programs that are part of Future Forward Ohio, including the Summer Learning and Afterschool Opportunities grant, Regional Education Partnerships grant, and Statewide Mathematics and Literacy Tutoring grant. Applicants may serve students through similar types of programming (for example, summer learning, after-school learning), particularly if there are not funded program in their regions or if they can demonstrate the programs are not being offered in sufficient scale. While the primary goal is to address learning loss and accelerate learning, with a focus on literacy, applicants may offer programming that embeds learning alongside other needs and interests to increase engagement. Programming that also addresses preparing students for future success is encouraged.  Please note that funds are provided on a reimbursement basis. Responses should be received by Oct. 7, 2022, at 5 p.m. The Department will announce grantees shortly thereafter.  

Important Dates

  • Announcement of grant opportunity: Aug. 26, 2022
  • RFA available: Aug. 26, 2022
  • Webinar for all prospective applicants: Sept. 9, 2022, 10 a.m. 
  • Application deadline: Oct. 7, 2022
  • Grant selection notification: Dec. 15, 2022
  • Kickoff and Webinar: Jan. 4, 2023

Application Information

Last Modified: 10/8/2024 9:32:19 AM