Physical Education Evaluations

Ohio Law The measure shall be included on the school district and building report cards issued under section 3302.03 of the Revised Code, beginning with the report cards issued for the 2012-2013 school year, but it shall not be a factor in the performance ratings issued under that section.

Benchmark Evaluations

One part of the law will measure student success in meeting the benchmarks contained in the Physical Education Academic Content Standards. The tasks contained in the evaluation instrument are designed to be incorporated within physical education lessons.

Composite results from the evaluation will be part of a measure that will be incorporated into the building and district report card. The measure will not be a factor in the report card performance ratings. Since the legislation does not include a waiver for evaluating student success in meeting the benchmarks, schools are obligated to complete the requirement. Schools also must report school and district data to EMIS, since no waiver is available.

The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce also has developed an instrument for teachers to use to collect data that will be provided for the Report Card indicator. The tasks contained in the evaluation instrument are designed to be incorporated within local programming. This information will make up one component of the report card indicator. Along with the instrument, data collection sheets have been developed to use with the evaluation. Every effort should be made to include all students in the data collection. However, if a student is unable to complete a task due to an injury or medical advisement for example, the data box will be left blank. The mathematical calculations will adjust accordingly. For local purposes, a statement as to why the reporting box is left blank maybe helpful for local records.

Evaluation Instruments

Data/Scoring sheets

The data collection system is designed to accommodate a large class roster and all 10 benchmarks. In instances where students are need to be added beyond the 500 spaces provided or an assessment is unable to be completed (due to one of the following: a student cannot complete an assignment due to a disability where modifications for an assessment cannot be made, moving into a district where making up the assessment is not possible, or an extended injury occurs and common modifications are again unable to be made) the data sheets need to be modified, a support document is available to assist.

The Evaluation as it relates to the high school physical education waiver

Under Ohio law, local boards of education are permitted to adopt policies that waive physical education requirements for high school students who participate in certain prescribed activities. Students who successfully complete all portions of the adopted waiver policy are not required to complete any component of physical education.

As a result, any student who meets the requirements of the physical education waiver are not required to complete the physical education evaluation. All other students will be required to complete the evaluation. This includes students who participate in summer school physical education programming, credit flexibility, independent study, credit recovery and online programming. If a student is earning physical education credit, the district will need to be provide data to DEW through the EMIS system.

Adapted physical education and the evaluation

The physical education evaluation is designed for all students who participate in physical education. This includes students who participate in adapted physical education.

The evaluation is not a high-stakes or high-security evaluation. Flexibility with the evaluation is allowed for students to participate fully. Adapted evaluations for students are to be conducted in accordance with a student’s IEP or 504 Plan.

Community schools and the evaluation

Schools which are part of the state report card will participate in the evaluation. A newsletter was published this past May from the Office of School Choice & Funding - Community Schools to address items specific to community schools as it relates to the evaluation. 

Data Collection and Reporting Support Document for the Physical Education Evaluation

Local Data Collection

1. How is data collected for the evaluation?

  • Data is collected for each student who is part of physical education programming for the following grade bands: K-2, 3-5, 6-8 and 9-12. For each grade band there are five standards and 10 benchmarks; two benchmarks for each standard. Teachers will incorporate the Excel data sheets available on the DEW evaluation webpage for data collection purposes. When the student completes each grade band, all 10 benchmarks will have been collected for the student. Legislation does not specify which grades the evaluation data must be collected; therefore it is a local determination when best to collect and report the evaluation data.

2. Does data have to be collected at one grade within the grade band or can it be collected throughout the grade band?

  • It is a local determination when best to complete the evaluation and collect the data, though whenever possible, collecting data in grades 2, 5, 8 and end of high school programming is suggested. However, local programming may not allow for data collection in those particular grades. If data is collected over the grade band and not in one grade level, it is up to the local authority to assure that all 10 benchmarks have been collected and aggregate data reported to DEW. The local authority will determine, district wide, what benchmarks are assessed and the grade level for which data will be collected.

3. What happens with incomplete data for students who are at the upper end of the grade band and will not have the full grade band to collect the data

  • For the 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 academic years, districts that collect data throughout the grade band rather than at 2, 5, 8 and end of high school programming may have incomplete data for those students who are at the upper grades of the grade bands. Those students did not have the full grade band to collect the data. However, starting with the 2014-2015 school year, this will no longer be an issue. Those students would have been allotted time throughout the grade band to have all 10 benchmarks collected. The local authority must maintain documentation that all 10 benchmarks have been completed throughout the grade band. From the 2014-2015 school year and beyond, schools will have records of completed data sheets that show all 10 benchmarks have been finished during the grade band. Whenever possible, the teacher should evaluate students missed during the initial evaluation period, this may include transfer students. However, that may not always be possible. If a task cannot be made up, leave that task blank in the Excel data sheets. The mathematical calculations will not recognize this as a ‘0’ and will average accordingly. For local purposes, the teacher may want to record the reason why a task was left blank.
  • Students who are part of adapted physical education programming, data will be collected for reporting purposes. If a task cannot be completed, even with modifications, that task should be left blank. The mathematical calculations will not recognize this as a ‘0’ and average accordingly. For local purposes, the teacher may want to record as to why a task was left blank.

4.  Do we need to report data on students that successfully complete the waiver, take summer school, online programming, and/or Credit Flexibility?

  • The physical education waiver is the ONLY exemption in regards to collecting data within the district. The evaluations and data collection shall includes students who take part in summer school (starting in 2013-2014), online programming and Credit Flexibility.

5. The grade bands for the evaluation are as follows: K-2, 3-5, 6-8 and 9-12. What happens to data if building configurations within a district do not align with the grade bands?

  • In some instances, buildings may not have data available for the building report card indicator with data being collected for the grade band in another building. For example, the 6-8 grade band may have a middle school building for grade 6. Grades 7 & 8 are located in the junior high school building. It’s determined at the local level that data would be collected in grade 8. The middle school (grade 6) would not have data for the grade band because it was collected at the higher end of the grade band which is located in the junior high school building (grades 7 & 8). The district is in compliance because data is available for the grade band.

Reporting Data to DEW

1. Which students should be reported to DEW via EMIS?

  • The evaluation data can be collected at the end of the grade band or during the grade band, as it is a local determination as to when to conduct the evaluation. If the evaluation is conducted at more than one grade level per grade band, the data will need to be reported the academic year which it was conducted. DEW recommends that schools evaluate what is taught and report the evaluation data the year it is evaluated. That way, the data appears on the report card the year it was collected. Data is not required for each benchmark for each grade level in the grade band every year, only aggregate counts by grade band are required. Refer to the EMIS Manual, Section 5.3 Organization - General Information, for reporting instructions.

2. What physical education evaluation data is to be reported to DEW via EMIS?

  • Only aggregate data for the number of students by grade band who are advanced, proficient, and limited will be reported to DEW beginning with the FY13 Yearend reporting period, please refer to the EMIS Manual, Section 5.3 Organization - General Information, for specific reporting instructions. The total numbers of students reported to DEW in those three areas should align with the number of students in local physical education programming. For example, a teacher may have 75 students in physical education programming in grades 3-5. The breakdown of student average benchmark assessment data (i.e. the average student score across all benchmark assessments) reported goes as follows: Advanced = 20 students, Proficient = 40 students and Limited = 15 students. The reported numbers to DEW aligns with the number of students in local programming. There is one exception for the 2012-2013 school year; since the evaluation began in August not all schools collected data for summer programming. Summer school data should be collected by all schools providing programming starting with the 2013-2014 school year.

Although the final tally may be impacted by students who leave the school district, each district should report the data that was collected within the district’s building(s) for those students. Both districts (new and prior) will report data that was collected when the student was in programming. The final reporting tally will include data for students who are in current programming and for those who transferred out of the district as well.

If a student transfers into a different school within the same district, the school where the student attends last should report the evaluation results. Therefore, any prior schools within the district should send the results to the last school for submission to EMIS.

Last Modified: 1/8/2025 11:13:16 AM

Pursuant to ORC 3301.079 (B) (3) and 3313.60, it is the responsibility of Ohio's local boards of education to vet and approve curriculum and educational materials for use in the public schools within their district. The use of any materials posted or linked to on the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce website, including materials within Ohio’s Learning Standards or Appendices or any state model curricula or other educational resource material, is entirely up to the discretion of each local board of education.