Resources for Science

Table of Contents

Science Updates 

The Ohio Science Education Updates provides information to science educators regarding important news from the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce, professional development opportunities, and classroom resources.

Sign up to receive the Ohio Science Education Updates.

The resources in the updates are free and are reviewed using the Department’s Science resource filter against established criteria. Copies of the completed filter forms are available upon request. Inclusion in this newsletter does not represent a recommendation to use a resource. Many quality resources are available beyond those included here. Educators should use their professional expertise to determine the suitability of any particular resources for use in their districts, schools or classrooms.

The Nature of Science 

The video recordings and resources below were produced to support Ohio educators with implementation the Nature of Science components found in the Ohio Learning Standards and Model Curriculum for Science.  These resources including powerpoint presentations and supplemental materials for each of the Nature of Science series may be found by clicking the links below.  Districts are encouraged to use these with their Science faculty as part of their professional learning during the academic year. 

*Districts interested in conducting a live Q & A session for faculty with the Science Team upon completion of the video series, please contact Robin Deems.



Asking Questions and Defining Problems Asking Questions and Defining Problems       
Planning and Carrying Out Investigations Planning and Carrying Out Investigations
Developing and Using Models Developing and Using Models
Analyzing and Interpreting Data Analyzing and Interpreting Data
Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking
Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions
Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information
Engaging in Argument from Evidence/ Science is Open to Revision Engaging in Argument from Evidence/ Science is Open to Revision

Science as a Way of Knowing/Science as a Human Endeavor 

Science as a Way of Knowing/Science as a Human Endeavor
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Making the Case for Science in the Elementary Grades  

Speaking Up for Elementary Social Studies and Science, YouTube presentation by Nell Duke, University of Michigan, about the importance of teaching Social Studies and Science in the elementary grades. 

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Planning Resources for Teachers

Vertical Alignment Example 

The vertical alignment document provides one example of an overview of the K-8 progression within each topic area. This document is a high-level view and cannot serve as a substitute for the breadth of information provided in Ohio's Learning Standards and Model Curriculum for Science. The information provided is not sufficient to adequately plan instructional details of lessons or units. Please refer to the intended uses in the introduction to this document. 

STEM Teaching Tools

STEM Teaching Tools hosts instructional practice briefs and open education resources for professional learning to help teach science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Each tool is focused on a specific issue and leverages the best knowledge from research and practice. Several of the tools for science education are also translated into Spanish. Check out the STEM Teaching Tools translated into Spanish. 

  • Estamos trabajando para traducir las STEM Teaching Tools en español. Hagan click aquí para leer las STEM Teaching Tools (STT) que han sido traducidas

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Lab Safety

Science Laboratory Safety

It is imperative to ensure that student safety and well-being are accounted for in all learning environments. The Ohio Learning Standards for Science recognize the importance of providing opportunities for students to engage in inquiry-based activities, which focus on the science and engineering practices and the nature of science.  These opportunities provide equitable learning experiences that enhance student performance. To provide for opportunities for students to engage in these activities in a safe manner, the Vermont Agency of Education has issued guidance and suggested protocols pertaining to laboratory safety for science classrooms. This document details a risk assessment as well as appropriate disinfection of equipment and work stations. This guidance is  congruent with what is necessary for Ohio science classrooms and educators  to provide safe spaces for students to engage in scientific inquiry and investigations as well.  

NSTA has also created a science classroom safety page which includes a position statement on the liability of classroom teachers, a position statement on safety and school science instructions, and other resources for science classrooms.

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Professional Science Education Organizations

Last Modified: 10/8/2024 11:03:14 AM